The Pisces man has an ambiguous and contradictory characterization. Such a husband can suit women who are completely different in temperament, because everyone can find in him something close to their character.

Pisces husbands are generally kind and caring. You don't have to fight their stinginess, fish are always ready to give in, meet halfway, gladly satisfy your request. In all the disputes and conflicts that arise, the fish, in the end, show softness and smooth out all the contradictions. When you have trouble, and there is nowhere to look for consolation, the fish man will always come to the rescue and, with his warmth and tender care, will help to recover and give self-confidence.
The fish are very good hosts, they are hospitable and friendly. If at the same time your husband knows how to cook deliciously, then be prepared for frequent guests and feasts. A husband's willingness to take the kitchen into his own hands will be a significant advantage for those modern women who do not want to spend time at the stove.
If you like a violent expression of emotions and often behave in a restrained manner, the calm nature of the fish will most likely balance and smooth out a raised conversation, an argument, or even a scandal. With such a man, of course, you will not be able to create an "Italian" family - temperamental, passionate, impulsive, but in return you will get a reliable relationship in which you will always be sure.
Pisces men are creative people. Often, excessive daydreaming prevents fish from gaining recognition or at least to some extent from realizing their talent, but, nevertheless, even if your husband does not exhibit his paintings at an exhibition or does not publish novels, he is most likely a very well-read person. A rich inner world and a penchant for reflection make fish wonderful interlocutors who can not only tell interesting stories, but also listen carefully and react sensitively to the words of the interlocutor.
Finally, fish men are generally good fathers. Their caring and kind nature disposes of children who will consider their father a real friend. Fish will play and joke with their offspring when they are small; fish will educate and instruct them when they grow up; fish will be able to guide children when they choose their path in life.
The main drawback of this zodiac sign is excessive daydreaming and infantilism. Pisces men very often have a variety of talents that are never realized, their implementation remains in the head in the form of a fantasy. Therefore, such men need a woman who will inspire and encourage them to use all their best abilities to achieve real results.
Pisces do not always strive for marriage. The wife and children are not the ideal of happiness for such men. As in many other cases, fish need a strong external push in order for them to propose to a woman and decide to form a family.