"Hearts" is a fairly old and very popular game that got its name from the name of one of the card suits. Four people are required to play Hearts. However, today there are also computer versions, thanks to which it has become unnecessary to assemble a company - a computer will act for all rivals. How do you play hearts?

It is necessary
card deck (52 cards)
Step 1
You should be aware that the goal of the Hearts game is to score the minimum number of points. In accordance with the accepted rules, the highest card is the Ace, the lowest is the deuce.
Step 2
Draw lots to allocate seats at the gaming table and select a banker. To do this, it is necessary to distribute one open card to all participants in the game. Dispensing is done clockwise. The player who received the lowest card is appointed by the banker. The player with the highest card chooses any seat at the table.
Step 3
Shuffle the deck thoroughly and deal 13 cards to everyone in the game. Before the play takes place, each player must deal three of his cards to one of the partners. Cards can be transferred according to any previously agreed scheme. Typically, the following method is used:
- every first and fifth deal of a card is passed to the player sitting on the left hand;
- second and sixth hands - on the right hand;
- the third and seventh - crosswise;
- fourth and eighth - no cards are exchanged.
Step 4
A participant who has 2 clubs in his hands starts the game. Moreover, he is obliged to walk from this card.
Step 5
The game is played clockwise. The next player must play a card of the same suit. If he does not have this suit in his hands, then he can discard any card. However, during the first trick, it is forbidden to discard the Queen of Spades or any card of the heart suit.
Step 6
The participant who plays the highest card of the suit with which the drawing was started takes a bribe. All the following tricks can be played from any card. However, hearts can only be played if they have already been revealed. That is, if during the previous tricks one of the players has already discarded a card of this suit.
Step 7
When counting points, any card of the heart suit is equal to one, and the Queen of Spades brings 13 points. If one of the participants in the game collects all the hearts and the Queen of Spades in bribes, then he will not be awarded points, and 26 points must be added to the points of each of the other participants.
Step 8
The game is played until one of the players scores 100 or more points.