Beginners taking their first steps in the exciting and colorful worlds of modern MMORPGs are faced with the problem of a lack of game money. Without a sufficient amount of game currency, it is impossible to buy new weapons, armor, and other necessary items. Every player thought about how to make money in the game. Meanwhile, in most games there is a simple way to make money - trading on the market. One of these games is Lineage 2.

It is necessary
One or more accounts on one of the Lineage 2 servers, a client program for connecting to the corresponding server
Step 1
Create a new character. It must belong to the dwarf race. A character can be created on an account with the main character. But, if possible, create a character on an additional account. Such a character will be more convenient to use.
Step 2
Develop your character to level 21. Complete the initial quests in the Kamael Village, the Newcomer Quests in the Dwarven Village, the first class transfer quest. Learn the skill "Weight Limit" level 1.
Step 3
Build up your seed capital. To do this, sell all the items that the character currently has in the in-game stores. Game shops are located in every city.
Step 4
Increase your starting capital. Create one or more characters belonging to the dark elf race. Complete the quests for beginners, the quest for getting the first class, the quest "Disturbing news" and the quest "Path of Destiny" to raise them to level 21. Complete the one-time quest "Dangerous Temptation" and get 102,680 adena for its completion. This quest starts in the dark elf village at the Tetrarch Velior NPC. Sell all characters' items to shops. Transfer all adena from the dark elf characters to the gnome character.
Step 5
Explore the gaming market. Move consistently to all cities. In cities, look for characters who are in the mode of selling or buying any goods. Write down the buy and sell prices for these items. Identify the most popular products. Determine the possible income from trading these goods in the market. Highlight from two to four cheap, but quite promising products in terms of resale.
Step 6
Make money in the game by trading on the market. Carry out the purchase of the goods selected at the previous stage. Buy goods at a price that is slightly higher than the maximum purchase price of those goods in the market. Sell the purchased items. Set the selling price just below the minimum selling price of the relevant products. Keep reselling items to keep making money in the game.