Honor Points are rewards for winning battles against other players and completing PVP missions in World of Warcraft multiplayer. Having accumulated a sufficient amount, you can use them as currency and purchase equipment, weapons and other useful items.

Step 1
Honor points are not limited by a weekly limit, but the total maximum amount should not exceed 4000. After reaching this limit, points are no longer awarded until the player spends at least some part of them. They can buy equipment and weapons of excellent quality from representatives of factions, mounts, rare recipes and sketches, as well as consumables: cloth, stones, grass, ore. Earning this currency is not difficult, but you have to be patient. There are four main ways to make money.
Step 2
Honor points are awarded for killing a player from a hostile faction. If you play as the Horde, you need to kill the player from the Alliance and vice versa. There are several factors to consider. First, the enemy's level should not be lower than yours. Hovering the cursor over an opponent's character, his name will change color depending on how it matches your level. For example, an opponent who is too weak will be highlighted in gray and will not bring honor points. Ideally, you should attack enemies whose name is red. Your own level also affects the number of honor points received. The higher it is, the more currency you will receive. If you kill an enemy in a group, points are distributed depending on the level of activity of the players. Finally, to score points, your hero must be alive and near the defeated enemy.
Step 3
Kill a faction leader in a group or raid. They can be found in major cities and capitals. Honor points are awarded depending on the contribution to the murder. The more active you are, the more currency you will receive. In this case, it does not matter what role you play: a tank, a soldier or a doctor.
Step 4
Fight on the battlefields. This is the easiest way to get honor points. You need to register in the queue on the battlefield by choosing your role. Each battle lasts an average of 15-30 minutes and depends on the completion of the assigned tasks, of which there are three types. There are battlefields where it is necessary to capture and hold strategically important objects (towers, mines, forges, etc.). There are fields where the victory is won by the side that captured and brought the enemy flag. And the bloodiest battles take place in battles, the purpose of which is to kill the leader. As in any raid, honor points are awarded in proportion to the activity of the players.
Step 5
A small amount of points can be earned by completing daily quests in Icegrain Lake, Tol Barad, or Isle of Thunder. In Orgrimmar or Stormwind, it is possible to exchange accumulated justice points for honor points. The rate is: 375 equity - 250 honor.