The birth of a child is a joyful event not only in reality, but also in a dream. After such a dream, you wake up in high spirits, elated, and, most likely, expect a continuation of the surge of positive emotions.

Dreams and their meanings
Sleep is an important part of the life of each of you. At this time, the body is resting, life processes slow down, and your subconscious mind starts to "float freely". In a dream, there are no barriers for you, you are free and free to do whatever you want. All dreams are getting closer, more real. At the same time, the subconscious mind does not always provide an opportunity to get closer to dreams. From time to time, sleep reveals your fears. Such dreams are called nightmares. You do not need to take events that happened in an unpleasant dream to heart. The brain is simply trying to cope with stress and your anxiety. But dreams in which you see events that you did not think at all, most likely foreshadow some changes coming in your real life. What exactly means this or that dream, any dream book will tell you.
Being born in a dream
For couples who want and are waiting for replenishment in the family, such a dream can promise a dream come true. Perhaps a stork will knock on your window soon. Most likely, the day will soon come when you find out about your pregnancy.
For people who completely and completely devote themselves to work, being born in a dream promises success in business, additional work is possible.
There are a great many dreams with birth. Pregnant girls should not pay attention to sleep with birth, it does not mean anything. Your subconscious mind, even at rest, looks forward to the imminent birth of your baby.
If you were born in your dream, most likely, this precedes a new, positive round of life.
It is possible to improve the financial situation, as well as receive an inheritance.
A dream in which you rejoice at the birth of a child is a dream of success and a joyful event. If a woman saw her birth in a dream, life will change for the better. The financial situation is stabilizing. The birth of an unhealthy child in a dream warns you of a possible deterioration in well-being.
If you are far from home and saw the birth of a child in a dream, return to your native nest is not far off.
If you are not married, seeing the birth of a child in a dream is preceded by slander, bad rumor. Be more discreet in your behavior and conversations.
When you dreamed about the birth of a terrible animal, you must be prepared for trouble and trouble. If cute animals are born, then in real life you will have a meeting with a good person.
If the husband of a pregnant girl dreamed of a birth, wait for a boy. If you are a girl, and you dreamed about the process of your childbirth, be prepared: the plans that you dream and strive to implement will cause a lot of trouble, trouble and are not as easily achievable as you expect.
In any case, a dream in which a new life appears is considered pleasant. This means that something new will happen in your life, the situation in finances will change, new meetings, deeds, emotions, love are possible.