How And How Much Does Anton Makarsky Earn

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How And How Much Does Anton Makarsky Earn
How And How Much Does Anton Makarsky Earn

Video: How And How Much Does Anton Makarsky Earn

Video: How And How Much Does Anton Makarsky Earn
Video: ПОТЕРЯЕТЕ ДАР РЕЧИ! Как выглядит жена Антона Макарского и его личная жизнь 2024, October

Anton Aleksandrovich Makarsky is a Russian singer, theater, film and dubbing actor. He got into the elite of the domestic creative workshop as a result of overwhelming success in staging the musicals Metro and Notre Dame de Paris. And his performance of the composition Belle is still perceived by experts as a reference. At present, one of the most successful films of the popular artist is his role in the projects "Feather and Sword", "Smersh" and "Marry Casanova".

Anton Makarsky's gaze speaks of his complete concentration
Anton Makarsky's gaze speaks of his complete concentration

It is better to speak about the modern understanding of the work of Anton Makarsky in the context of his joint professional activity with his wife Victoria. Thus, a beautiful and charming couple recently staged a real family concert for the residents of Blagoveshchensk, taking part in the Amur Autumn festival dedicated to the field of theater and cinema. The grateful audience was truly fascinated by the vocal abilities of the artists and for a long time did not allow them to leave the stage.

And to truly assess the financial viability of an artist, you can only get acquainted with his latest creative projects. After all, the approximate level of payment for artists of the class of Anton Makarsky is estimated in the range from 1,000 to 5,000 dollars per shooting day and from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles for a concert.

short biography

November 26, 1975 in Penza, in an incomplete family, the future idol of millions of fans was born. Anton was born at a time when his mother had already divorced his father. Therefore, he felt the male hand of the parent only at the age of 10, which was due to the remarriage of his mother and the appearance of his stepfather in the house, whose surname he later took for himself.


The actor's nationality, according to him, is associated with ancestors who had Jewish, Polish, German and Georgian roots. His mother and stepfather worked in the Penza puppet theater, and his grandfather is the People's Artist of the RSFSR, still going on the stage of the drama theater in his hometown. It would seem that such a kindred continuity should have determined the boy's future from childhood. However, in his school years it was not at all part of his plans to become an actor.

Despite Anton's regular participation in local amateur performances, he made the main emphasis in his development in his youth on sports. Boxing, fencing and powerlifting took up all of his free time. And the young man realized his perspective exclusively in the form of a coaching career. But the title of "candidate for master of sports" and the decision to enter the local institute of physical education in an instant ceased to have any meaning for a 17-year-old guy after one conversation with his uncle, who offered him to enter a theater university.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Makarsky went to enter the capital's institute. Of the three specialized educational institutions, into which Anton was admitted, he chose the legendary "Pike". While studying here, the aspiring actor took an active part in theatrical performances, preparing vocal and choreographic numbers. According to the artist himself, at this time he was always hungry, but happy.

Personal life

Family relations of Anton Makarsky are associated with the only woman who became his wife. Singer Victoria Morozova, who later took the surname of her husband, met the actor in 1999, when the shooting of the musical Metro was taking place. The relationship developed very rapidly and rapidly. Love at first sight a year later ended with a church wedding ceremony in an Orthodox church in the capital.


It is noteworthy that the newlyweds made their honeymoon to France, where they timed this romantic event with the filming of the "Fort Boyard" show. The family idyll of this creative couple has long been overshadowed by the absence of children. Anton and Victoria even seriously thought about adopting a child from an orphanage. However, in 2012, the Makarskys became the parents of their own daughter Maria, and in 2015, their son Ivan.

A married couple spends maximum time in each other's company. Moreover, the wife is organizing her husband's concerts, being his agent and producer. The family often travels to Israel, visiting Makarsky's relatives.

Anton Makarsky today

Since 2017, the Makarskys began to live in Sergiev Posad. In many ways, this decision was due to the location of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where a happy family often happens, visiting the alleys of the Abramtsevo estate and local holy springs. Currently, the spouses have begun the implementation of a construction project related to the arrangement of a recreation area next to the house. According to the plan, a picturesque and spacious gazebo should be buried in the greenery of fruit trees.


It is known that the popular actor began to practice winter swimming. This information spread throughout the network after photos appeared on Instagram, which captured Anton with his friend in the courtyard of the house in winter without clothes, carried away by modeling a snowman.

The main creative activity of the artist in recent years is associated with touring activities. Victoria is in charge of organizing live concerts. In 2018, the creative duo visited Lipetsk, Taganrog and Rostov-on-Don. In addition, the family music album "Music" was released during this period.

As a TV presenter, Anton Makarsky is known to viewers of the TV channels Spas (the program “Shrines of Russia”) and “Elitsy TV” (heading “Winged Parables”), where he introduces the interested audience to various religious monuments and rituals. Within the framework of these projects, the couple has already managed to visit the churches of St. Petersburg, as well as the monasteries of the Moscow, Tver, Pskov regions and Karelia.

In addition, in 2018, the popular actor took part in the filming of the "Accidental Bride" melodrama, as well as the comedy films "Crimean Sakura" and "Love with Home Delivery".

In the spring of the same year, the Makarsky couple became participants in the program "On a visit in the morning", which is hosted by Maria Shukshina. The married couple introduced the audience to unfamiliar facts from their lives. Among other things, such information was revealed, for example, that there was a period in the life of Anton and Victoria when they could part. And only through the efforts of the spouse, the family remained in its original form. According to Victoria, such data have been revealed that Anton adheres to patriarchal views and is distinguished by an authoritarian character.
