Astrologers have noticed and take into account in their work the fact that the celestial bodies during the period of being in the retrograde phase change their traditional influence on certain spheres of human life. The reason lies in the fact that the movement of the planet backward directs its energy inward.

Phases of rotation of celestial bodies around the Sun
The planets of the solar system are arranged in a strict order, are at different distances from the star, and each move in its own orbit at a certain speed. Due to the difference in trajectories and velocities, it sometimes seems that our Earth is "overtaking" this or that planet. An observer from Earth periodically sees that a neighbor in the solar system slows down, stops and begins to move backward in its orbit. In astrology, this apparent backward movement is called the "retrograde" of the planet.
In the cycle of rotation of a celestial body around the Sun, three phases are distinguished:
- during the correct, direct movement in its orbit, the planet is "direct";
- then there is a stop - the “stationary phase”, when the course is reversed;
- the time spent in the mode of the opposite, backward movement - the period of "retrograde".
Being in the process of reverse movement, the celestial body changes its influence on those spheres of human life, which it patronizes. Instead of promoting progress, a retrograde planet can slow it down. Energy surges characteristic of the reverse move can have both a positive effect and rush towards destruction or destruction. A planet that goes over to the retrograde side of force often requires avoiding or vice versa, activating human actions in those areas that are its areas of responsibility.
Retrograde calendar
All celestial bodies with the exception of the Sun itself and the night luminary of the Moon can stay in a state of reverse motion. The frequency of the entry of a celestial body into this phase is determined by the trajectory of the orbit and the distance from the Earth. Therefore, each planet has its own cyclical retrograde:
- Mercury is retrograde three times a year, each time for three weeks.
- Mars enters a retrograde phase, which lasts 2.5 months only once in two years.
- In Venus, retrograde occurs after 19 months and lasts 40 days.
- The planets of the solar system, the most distant from the Earth, have rather long periods of retrograde, but rarely change their position.
According to astrologers, the energy of the celestial bodies of the terrestrial group - Mars, Venus and Mercury - has the most significant impact on our life. Of the three planets closest to Earth, only Mercury has a retrograde phase in the current calendar year. A significant, but slightly smaller role is played by the outer giant planets moving backward: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. The smallest influence on the Earth is that of the smallest and most distant Pluto from us.

Representatives of one or another sign of the Zodiac in 2019, when assessing the influence of the patronizing planets, should be guided by 6 celestial bodies, which will start a "backward" course in orbit:
- Energetically strong Mercury has small periods of retrograde, but enters them more often than other planets: from March 5 to 23 days; from July 8 to August 1; from October 31 for 3 weeks.
- Due to its solid mass and impressive size, Jupiter is very slow. The return time of this planet, lasting 4 months, falls on the period April 10 - August 11.
- Recognized as "the first handsome man" in the entire solar system, Saturn, having changed the flush on the last day of April, remains retrograde for 142 days.
- Uranus is the only one who receives more heat from the Sun than it gives. This unique celestial body has been in a retrograde phase for a long time - from August 12 to January 11 next year.
- In Neptune, which is considered an ambiguous planet among astrologers, the beginning and end of the period of backward movement this year falls on the dates of June 21 and November 27.
- The dwarf planet Pluto will begin its orbital return on April 24th and complete it on October 3rd.
When compiling astrological tables, experts use the R symbol to indicate the duration of the retrograde phase of the planets.
What to expect from "backing" planets

The first planet from the Sun has a strong energy, which will not be positive during the period of retrograde. Mercury governs the intellectual abilities and communication skills of a person. The planet's area of responsibility is business, commerce, education. Moving backwards, Mercury negatively affects the speed of thinking. As a result - errors, delays, losses, deterioration in the ability to drive vehicles and equipment.
On the days of Mercury retrograde, it is best to do things that are going on steadily. Any undertakings should be avoided: starting a business or launching a new project, making deals or major purchases, getting married, changing jobs, going on a trip, etc. The positive side of Mercury retrograde is the manifestation of extraordinary thinking that can turn the traditional foundations, and this must be skillfully used.

When Jupiter begins to move backwards - the main patron of intuition, intelligence, emotions and mood - there is inhibition of activity in those areas for which he is responsible. If the usual movement promises success in monetary matters, then the reverse move has a negative connotation: any activity in order to acquire more material is doomed to failure. Retrograde Jupiter gives a message to engage not in positioning oneself in society, but to concentrate on spiritual life, personal growth. It is better to devote more time to loved ones, reading, outdoor recreation, gymnastics and energy exercises (yoga or qigong) and everything that contributes to self-development.

Saturn is a straightforward, hardworking planet that acts globally. The period of his retrograde effect mainly affects the social life of the individual, slowing down or completely stopping development and advancement. Perhaps a career fall or unexpected changes in fate. These months will require many people to work hard, make great efforts to achieve results. It is better to put aside the discussion, not to volunteer for any business, not to rush things, but simply to observe. One should behave in the same way as this celestial body - "do not flog a fever", act calmly, judiciously and consistently. The fact is that on days falling on the R-period of Saturn, a person is significantly influenced by external circumstances beyond his control. The planet is capable of changing the very way people think, so it will be useful to analyze your values and life path in general. This is the time for taking stock, revisions, revising plans, etc.

The planet of renewal, for which the glory of unpredictability is fixed - Uranus, having begun to move backwards, literally turns our lives upside down and can provoke serious changes. It is not for nothing in astrology that this object of the solar system, which looks like a spinning ball lying on its side, is considered a symbol of sudden upheavals and fleeting changes. And Uranus is also a source of chaos and accidents.
It may happen that you make a sudden decision, look at the problem from a different point of view and solve it, take a step towards what you have wanted for so long in order to change something in your own life. Uranium will thrive in experimentation, invention, and innovation. This is a time of novelty, insight, the embodiment of bold decisions and original ideas. Retrograde Uranus is the best helper in self-expression and realizing your potential.

Neptune acts subtly and controls all the processes taking place in the human subconscious. During the period of his retrograde, the changes will concern more spirituality, inner sensations, faith in higher forces. The planet awakens a person to show creativity, sharpens intuition, increases phenomenal and extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance, the ability to apply secret knowledge, guess and predict). Neptune has a mystical and secret nature. In his retrograde, he encourages people to take advantage of deception and imagination. Sometimes there is a feeling that thoughts run counter to feelings. You lose your usual internal guidelines, you start to doubt traditions and customs, you lose faith. This means that hidden internal mechanisms have been activated, which "start" the process of spiritual search.

Pluto is the planet of deep transformations. Since the celestial body governs connections between people, astrologers believe that Pluto's power mainly extends to the destinies of states and peoples. But the periods of retro-motion of the outer planets last for quite a long time, so one cannot neglect their impact on the spheres of life of individuals.
Patronizing unkind forces, the backward-moving Pluto becomes even more destructive than during its stay in the direct and stationary phases. When the time comes for him to move backwards, some people may experience inner emptiness, a craving to scandal or weave intrigue. But neither this, nor the possible manifestations of false confidence or cruelty, should be intimidating. The discomfort from the influence of the "harmful dwarf" will pass as soon as it returns to its previous mode of following in orbit. You just need to restrain yourself and control your behavior.
With Pluto retrograde, there is an opportunity to achieve the goals set earlier, but it is better to refuse this. It will be useful to focus on your spiritual health: “dig into yourself”, get rid of the trash accumulated in your soul, understand what works best and what doesn't work out at all. After that, the person feels relief, and life becomes simpler and clearer.