What Are The Planets Of The Zodiac Signs

What Are The Planets Of The Zodiac Signs
What Are The Planets Of The Zodiac Signs

You can relate to astrology in different ways, but at the same time it must be admitted that the characteristics corresponding to the signs of the zodiac accurately reflect the characters of people. In many ways, the formation of character is influenced by the planets that patronize the signs of the zodiac.

What are the planets of the zodiac signs
What are the planets of the zodiac signs

Sun and Moon Signs

The most regal sign of the zodiac is, of course, Leo. It is not surprising that the sun is its patron. Just like Leo himself, the Sun embodies strength and power. Since it contributes to the achievement of their goals, Leo achieves the desired result much faster and easier than other signs of the zodiac. However, one should not forget that the Sun makes its wards too proud and hot, sometimes forcing them to make rash decisions. People, whose patron is the Sun, should not indulge in vanity and an unbridled craving for luxury and entertainment.

The cold and changeable Moon protects Cancers. But despite this, Cancers strive for consistency, dreaming of a strong and stable relationship. The moon gives her wards sensitivity and emotionality. They are distinguished by modesty, shyness and indecision. The disadvantages that the Moon endows with Cancers are laziness, slowness and absent-mindedness. In addition, they need to try to gain self-confidence, avoid excessive jealousy and suspicion.

Under the auspices of Mercury, Venus and Mars

Two signs of the zodiac - Gemini and Virgo - are patronized by Mercury. As you know, Mercury was the ancient Roman god of trade and symbolized knowledge and good luck. Therefore, Virgo and Gemini are characterized by luck, enterprise and excellent erudition. Those born under the sign of Mercury are very charming, they know how to win over people, they constantly strive for discoveries. However, they also have negative traits, including talkativeness and excessive curiosity. In addition, they often hide their true colors under a mask.

Venus is the patroness of Taurus and Libra. The beautiful goddess of love and beauty endows her wards with the desire to look good and the desire to receive aesthetic pleasure. A sense of beauty helps them to reach significant heights in the field of art. Taurus and Libra are tenacious, but they are often hindered by laziness. People of Venus are very careful in choosing friends and, as a rule, strive to make as many useful acquaintances as possible. Their negative qualities include stubbornness and a tendency to depression.

Militant Mars is the patron saint of Aries. In the mythology of Ancient Rome, Mars was considered not only the god of war, but also the patron saint of nature, carrying fertility and vitality. Mars endows people with unquenchable energy, honesty and decency. The Martians are ready to sweep away all obstacles on the way to achieving the goal, but they can be put by hot temper and lack of patience. Aries can achieve success in life only by expelling their inherent selfishness.

Who patronize Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Jupiter protects Sagittarius. In ancient Rome, Jupiter led the pantheon of gods and was considered the patron saint of emperors. Therefore, Sagittarius are recognized leaders. They are ready to help at any time, strive to help the younger ones. Perhaps that is why you can see many teachers among the Sagittarius. Sagittarius are prone to mastering several areas of human knowledge at once, but in order to achieve success, they need to learn how to focus on one thing. The negative influence of Jupiter can manifest itself in excessive narcissism and pride.

Saturn is the patron saint of Capricorns. In Roman mythology, Saturn is the deity of time, order and agriculture. Capricorns are fair, they love order and are always successful in business. They value dedication and constancy, they are always consistent in their decisions and actions. Among the positive qualities of Capricorn are hard work and a heightened sense of duty, the disadvantages include excessive conservatism and fear of change.

Uranus protects Aquarius. In ancient Greek mythology, Uranus is the god of the sky. Under his influence, frantic dreamers are born, who are distinguished by originality and creative thinking. Aquarians are great organizers, inventors, and philosophers. Their main negative feature can be called an unrestrained desire for power.

Neptune is the god of the seas and oceans and, of course, the patron saint of Pisces. He endows his wards with heightened sensitivity and leads them away from earthly problems into the depths of the subconscious. A distinctive feature of Pisces is the strongest attraction to everything mysterious and romantic. They love to build "castles in the air" and often become dependent on other people's opinions.

Pluto protects Scorpions. The gloomy ruler of the underworld, Pluto endows people born under his influence with great inner strength, making them active and assertive. The negative qualities of Scorpios include a constant thirst for power and the desire to always be in the center of attention.
