Performer of folk songs Ekaterina Shavrina cannot help but sing. According to her, she just gets sick if the price does not go out to us. How much does the favorite of millions earn? How did she manage to recover from her sister's death?

Ekaterina Shavrina began to sing as a child, but it was very, very difficult for her. What trials did she go through? What is remarkable about her biography and creative path? How much and how does the performer of folklore songs Ekaterina Shavrina earn now?
From deafness to vocals - biography of the singer Ekaterina Shavrina
The future People's Artist of the Russian Federation was born in the winter of 1942, in a small village called Pyshma, in the Sverdlovsk Region. The girl's parents were "Old Believers", far from art in any of its manifestations. The girl's mother was engaged in home and raising children, there were six of them in the family, dad worked as a driver.
In childhood, little Katya was treated with special attention - until the age of 4, the girl did not utter a word. When her parents finally brought her to the doctor, it turned out that she was deaf from birth. After the operation and long-term treatment, Katya's hearing recovered, she not only spoke, but also sang!

Lack of money in a large family forced the girl to go to work at the age of 14. She chose the most ordinary profession, but closer to art - she got a job at the local House of Culture, washed the floors there. The young singer, who did not stop for a minute, was soon noticed and invited to the choir, where she began to perform solo parts.
Even as a teenager, Catherine lost her parents. She had to replace their younger brother and sisters. A lot of money was needed for their maintenance, and Katya realized that she needed to move up the career ladder. First, she became a member of the Volga choir, then moved to Samara. In 1964, Ekaterina Shavrina was invited to the All-Russian Workshop of Variety Art, which forced her to move to the capital.
Protege of Zykina herself and fellow student of the future Prima Donna
Just a year after arriving in Moscow, the girl was invited to the Moskontsert, she became a soloist, which opened up new opportunities. Ekaterina Shavrina began her brilliant career with trips abroad, performed in Poland, Germany, France and other countries. At the same time, Shavrina received a specialized education - she studied on a stage course at the All-Russian Creative Workshop, at the Ippolitov-Ivanov School, at GITIS. The future Prima Donna of the Russian stage, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, studied at the music school together with Shavrina. And Zykina helped the provincial girl to enter there.

In the 80s, Catherine suddenly decided to move abroad - she left for Germany, where she performed in restaurants, but after 10 years she returned to her homeland. She realized that she was not satisfied with the level of a restaurant "singer". In Russia, Shavrina was more than well received, continued to develop her career, sang both on stage and for the cinema, as before.
A new round of Shavrina's career began in 2000, when she somewhat changed her repertoire, began to perform not only folk, but also pop songs. The recession began after a terrible accident, in which, according to the singer herself, her sister died through her fault.
How much does Ekaterina Shavrina earn
Ekaterina Feoktistovna - holder of the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, which she received in 1995, Honored Artist (1983), received the Lenin and Moscow Komsomol awards, is the owner of the orders "Service to Art" and "For selfless labor for the good of the Fatherland." In addition, she became an honorary citizen of Russian cities 11 times. How much money do these awards and titles bring her?

Ekaterina Shavrina is not included in the list of highly paid Russian pop stars. One of her concerts brings from 160 to 200,000 rubles, but she gives part of them to her musical group and organizers. Performances at private and city events, corporate parties bring Shavrina from 180 to 220,000 rubles. If we compare its income with the income of the "new" music stars in Russia, they are much lower.
In addition to singing, she earns income from participating in the filming of television talk shows on musical and secular topics. But recently Ekaterina Feoktistovna has been their rare guest.
Personal life of Ekaterina Shavrina
The singer got married twice. Her first spouse, and a civil one, was the composer Ponomarenko Grigory. From him, Ekaterina Feoktistovna gave birth to a son, Grigory, to whom she gave her last name. The young man became a fairly successful fashion designer.

Ekaterina Shavrina got married for the second time in 1983. The musician Lazdin Grigory became her chosen one. The marriage was official, the couple had twin girls Ella and Zhanna. Shavrina's husband died in 2005, and the woman decided that there would be no more men in her life.
Daughters Shavrina and Lazdina are already adults. Ella became a financier, Jeanne became a physician. They have already presented their grandchildren to their stellar mother. Most of her time Ekaterina Feoktistovna now devotes to them.

The singer lives in the suburbs, in her own country house, rarely visits the capital, only for work issues or with concerts. Unfortunately, they have become quite rare. After the accident, Shavrina had to do several operations. Since she had an injury to her facial bones, and this was one of the reasons for the decline in her professional activity.