The personal life of the famous sports commentator of the Match TV channel Dmitry Guberniev is of interest to many sports fans. Meanwhile, one of the most famous people in Russian sports journalism does not like to talk about anything other than her work. It is known that Dmitry broke up with his first and so far only, official wife and there is a common-law wife Elena Putintseva.

Personal life of Dmitry Guberniev
The personal life of the talented journalist Dmitry Viktorovich Guberniev is a secret behind seven seals, because he does not like to post photos on social networks where he starred with his current beloved woman and talk about his family.
He willingly shares only working information and the successes of his only son Mikhail, born in the marriage of a sports commentator with an athlete, runner Olga Mikhailovna Bogoslovskaya (nee Naumkina).
Olga Mikhailovna was known in the sports environment, and as a public person, she often communicated with representatives of the media. In particular, she talked about her official marriage with Dmitry Guberniev and parting with a journalist. Their family did not exist for long - from 2000 to 2005, after which it broke up.
Former spouses, commenting on their divorce, always emphasize: they maintain friendly relations, jointly resolve issues of raising a common minor son, Mikhail Dmitrievich Guberniev, who was born in 2002. As Bogoslavskaya said in an interview, the ex-husband trusts her so much that he even brought his current beloved woman Elena Putintseva to her to meet her.

Family life and work
Elena Putintseva, at the time of her acquaintance with Dmitry Guberniev's ex-wife, was a housewife, was engaged in design and creativity. She has nothing to do with sports or journalism; she made a pleasant impression on others. In any case, Olga Mikhailovna liked her, the ex-wife reacted to this choice of Guberniev calmly and without jealousy.
As Olga Bogoslavskaya told reporters in an interview, Guberniev, whom she considered and continues to consider a very talented journalist and commentator, devotes the lion's share of her time to work. In everyday life, he needs to be fully serviced, since he has absolutely no time for household chores.
The life of Dmitry Viktorovich has always been associated with sports, he was engaged, in particular, in hockey, skiing, football, Greco-Roman wrestling. However, due to a serious illness, he was forced to leave his professional sports career. Guberniev found himself in television journalism. Guberniev's comments on football matches, biathlon competitions are distinguished by emotionality and objectivity, therefore they attract the attention of even spectators far from sports, and some of the commentator's pearls even go to the people.
Born in a small town near Moscow, the Drezna station in an ordinary family of a glassblower and a pharmacist, Dmitry managed to make a successful career in the capital and emerge from all difficulties as a winner. You can guess that he has a solid and difficult character. And the ex-wife Olga Mikhailovna, in a conversation with journalists, called it frankly difficult and even compared the ex-spouse returning from work with a "tank entering the house."
Bogoslavskaya, the 1993 world short-distance running champion, Honored Master of Sports and a successful sports commentator, was not going to close herself in four walls and be an obedient keeper of the hearth. Perhaps Dmitry needed a caring woman who creates beauty and comfort in the house, which Elena Putintseva became for him. She does not interfere with the communication of the beloved with the ex-wife and regular meetings with her son.

School love Guberniev
After the divorce of Dmitry Guberniev and Olga Bogoslavskaya in 2005, the sports commentator was considered a free man and an enviable groom for several years. In conversations with representatives of the press, who were interested in his chosen one, Dmitry Viktorovich, jokingly, said that he was not created for an official married life and was not going to play a second wedding in his life.
One way or another, at social events Guberniev began to appear with a pretty woman. According to the media, designer Elena Putintseva is Dmitry Guberniev's school love. After a divorce from his wife, the TV journalist met a beauty in Moscow, after which the relationship of old acquaintances resumed.
Dmitry recalled that chance brought him to his former school love: he was talking with a friend, his eyes were attracted by a lady reading a Russian-German dictionary. This was Elena Putintseva. Dmitry and Elena spoke, remembered the past, meetings began, which grew into a civil marriage.

Children of Dmitry Guberniev
The sports commentator has one child - the son of Mikhail. In a marriage with Olga Bogoslavskaya, he also took part in raising her child from a previous marriage with fencer Maxim Bogoslovsky - Yegor, who was born in 1990.
According to some media reports, Dmitry Viktorovich is now raising Putintseva's child from her previous relationship, the boy Nikolai. However, the couple still in every possible way avoids talking with the press about their life together.
Guberniev is extremely cautious about formal relations with a woman, and it is not known whether he will have joint children with designer Elena Putintseva. But, judging by the trepidation with which he treats his Misha, and that he always finds time to communicate with him, the TV presenter will remain a good parent.

In a conversation with journalists, Dmitry Viktorovich did not rule out the appearance of other heirs to him. He dreams of two daughters, ideally twins who look like dad, and he wants to call one of them Maria. One can only guess that the common-law wife Elena made her beloved happy. “I want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening,” he said in his interview to “AiF. Health.