When setting traps on a beaver, fishers have long used the behavioral features of this animal. The fact is that beavers almost always restore destroyed dams. In order for the beaver to swim to the dam and begin to complete it, it is only necessary to partially destroy the structure he built, lowering the water level in the dam.

It is necessary
Trap, wooden stake, rope
Step 1
Find the dam made by the beaver and break it so that the water level drops by 10-20 cm. Wait until the water subsides, this is required in order to set the trap to the required depth.
Step 2
Prepare a wooden stake about two meters long. On a hard surface, cock the trap to the maximum stiffness level (for safety). Step back one and a half meters from the shore and drive in a stake. Choose more dense soil for the stake. Drive the stake in such a way that the beaver does not bump into it, otherwise it can gnaw it and use it to repair the dam. Tie a 1, 7-2 m cable to the bottom of the stake. Mask the bottom of the stake with silt to make it invisible.
Step 3
Install the trap completely. Bring the springs towards each other. The trap, together with the springs, should resemble a horseshoe. The depth of the installation of the trap is 40-50 cm. At a shallower depth, the animal can touch the trap with its stomach.
Step 4
Now alert the trap more sensitively. Take the trap from below (this will save your fingers from hitting if the trap is accidentally triggered) so that the bed is in the palm of your hand, and squeeze the arcs with your fingers on the arcs. Slide the plate down, leaving minimal grip on the gate.
Step 5
Having alerted the trap, carefully take it by the edge of the spring and set it on the bottom of the reservoir. When installing, keep the trap with the bed towards you.
Step 6
Provide a camouflage for the trap. Take some silt and float over the established trap. The settled suspension will cover the trap and will not prevent the device from working. Try not to get leaves, grass, small twigs on the trap, as they can cause the trap to work idle.
Step 7
When checking the trap, keep in mind that the dam by that time can be restored by other beavers, and this can raise the water level; The trap in this case will be located deeper than you think. To check, use a long stick with a knot, passing it in the place where the cable should be.