Lyubov Aksenova is one of the most popular young actresses today. She starred a lot in feature films and TV series. However, fans know very little about her personal life.

The creative path of Lyubov Aksenova
Lyubov Aksenova (maiden name Novikova) was born in Moscow on March 15, 1990. The parents of the actress are very far from creative professions, her mother Galina Nikolaevna is a pharmacist, and her father is a military man. A girl up to 10 years old was engaged in ballroom dancing, then she had to refuse - the load at school was great, and the classes themselves had already ceased to please. In addition, from the age of 7, Lyuba was engaged in alpine skiing, and from them she switched to snowblades - short speed skis without sticks.
After school, the choice of a future profession arose, Lyuba was interested in languages, design, psychology, the family joked that they would give their daughter to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the footsteps of the Pope. But by chance with her mother, they stumbled upon a program on the Kultura channel, in which they talked about entering the theatrical universities in Moscow. As it turned out, my mother felt better for her daughter than she did herself. She was the first person who asked Lyuba this question: "Do you want to become an actress?" And the answer was unequivocal: "I want!". So after school, Lyubov ended up in GITIS, in Sheinin's workshop.

Now the actress Aksenova has more than 40 works in films. The roles are very different. The most famous of her films: the TV series "Major 2, 3", "Former" and "Walking in agony", a film about cosmonauts "Salute 7", the comedy "Walk, Vasya". The actress considers the short film "Rosehip", which was shot by Nigina Sayfullaeva in 2011, to be significant for herself.
Lyubov Aksenova's husband
The husband of the famous actress is also a creative person and is employed in the film industry, he is a director, producer and photographer. Pavel Aksenov is a native Muscovite, born on May 2, 1982. Pavel and Lyubov met in the fall of 2012, it was a chance meeting: the girl invited a friend to the premiere of her film, and he brought a friend with him, for the company.
The actress herself says about their meeting: "We just like two streams flowed into one river and were inseparable." After 3 months, the couple got married, and Lyubov changed the name of Novikov to Aksenova. The wedding was modest and cozy at home, only the closest friends and relatives were invited.
Apparently, the Aksenov family adheres to the rule "Happiness loves silence." Pavel is not a public figure at all, which is quite surprising given his creative profession. Love, on the other hand, gives interviews more often and is more active on social networks, but does not advertise her personal life either.

On her Instagram page, the actress uploads different photos, but none of them has her husband. This makes Aksenova stand out against the background of her colleagues in the shop, who are striving to notify the world even about the second anniversary of the first date and about every leaf of lettuce eaten.
From scraps of phrases and accidentally caught remarks, one gets the feeling that the couple is happy.
So, for example, Lyubov told that she and her husband try to go to the gym every day, and it is the husband who is her personal trainer. Although he does not have a professional education in this area, he does have a wealth of practical experience. In general, the couple adheres to a healthy lifestyle, promotes proper nutrition, they have long given up meat, and recently switched to a raw food diet.
For an actress, in general, a husband is an authority in all things, it is with him that she consults when choosing new roles, shows him the scripts sent to him. The Aksenovs have no children yet.
Parting of the Aksenov couple
It was very difficult for Lyuba to play a role in the film "Without Me", which was released in 2018. Her heroine, Ksyusha, loses a loved one and remains all alone, without support.
It was difficult for the actress to feel the emotions that overwhelmed her heroine, because she never felt a sense of loss and loneliness. To get used to the role, the actress asked her husband to leave for a month. Pavel reacted with understanding and moved out, leaving his things in a shared apartment for the purity of the experiment. The couple agreed not to communicate for a month at all, leaving the right to make a phone call in an emergency.
Lyubov herself says that in addition to working on the image of Ksyusha, she was tormented by other thoughts: “What if I like it? What if he likes it? What if you can't have a dreary time? What if I start having fun?"
But doubts were in vain: after spending only a couple of weeks without her husband, Lyuba realized how much she missed him. She tried on her feelings for the heroine: “How is it if there is no way to call, write? Or I will call, and there the phone is disconnected. Or an answering machine. I went to places where we used to be together. I was searching for. Moreover, it happened involuntarily."
The actress realized that she was almost automatically reaching for the phone, that she should call Pavel when she saw or learned something interesting to share. She forced herself to go to the same places where they were together, went for a run alone. This voluntary separation made them both look at themselves in a new way and understand that they could not live without each other.