Ekaterina Gordon is a journalist, socialite, lawyer, singer, director, and public figure. But critics are sure that this woman managed to achieve dubious, in their opinion, success only thanks to the loud name of her ex-husband. Is it so?

Until 2000, very few people knew Katya Prokofieva (in the future Gordon). She was an ordinary student at Moscow State University, albeit a little wayward, freedom-loving, sometimes overly independent. How did she manage to become a media persona? Now they listen to her opinion, she has her own fund to support women who have been subjected to violence, a musical group. How much does the infamous Katya Gordon make? What makes up her income?
Who is Katya Gordon?
Ekaterina is a Muscovite. She was born in 1980, graduated from the capital's humanitarian school. In parallel with secondary education, she studied economics at Moscow State University, in courses for high school students. After leaving school, Katya entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the Faculty of Social Psychology. Then Ekaterina received several more higher educations - she graduated from the higher courses for screenwriters, directors, and received a law degree in the direction of "Civil Law".

In 2000, a fateful acquaintance for Catherine took place - with her future husband Alexander Gordon. The girl herself approached the journalist, presented him with a collection of her poems, which, in fact, conquered him.
After the divorce from the eminent journalist, Catherine turned his surname into a kind of brand. The name Katya Gordon does not make everyone smile now. In the character of a woman, intolerance is still preserved, a thirst to rule, to seek justice and success in everything and everywhere. Not everyone accepts her position, but as a person she is interesting to many.
Creativity Katie Gordon
Ekaterina is talented in many ways, and this fact is undeniable. She knows how to attract attention to herself, strives to develop in several directions at once, and many of her ideas are successful.
Katya Gordon, then Prokofieva, began to write poetry in her youth, attending school. On Wikipedia, you can find a mention of what is in her creative piggy bank. In the piggy bank of her achievements, there are two printed collections. Moreover, far from little-known publishers have undertaken their release, which speaks volumes.

In 2009, Katya Gordon decided to try her hand at music. She created the Blondrock group, but the team failed to achieve great success. Although several of Catherine's original compositions were highly appreciated - one of the songs received the Golden Gramophone, the other claimed participation in Eurovision.
Masters of Russian rock music, such as Zemfira, Butusov, Mazhaev, noted that if Katya Gordon had decided to come to grips with music, she would have achieved success. But other areas also fall into the field of interests of women - work on television, radio, cinema, socio-political and legal activities.
Public and legal activities of Katie Gordon
Katya Gordon started to defend the rights of women in 2013, but later her field of activity expanded significantly. At first, the woman created just a room for legal and moral support, where many celebrities were happy to apply, for example, the ex-wife of the director Anna Grachevsky. After 2 years, Catherine opened a legal agency that specialized in divorce and high-profile scandals of stars. Ekaterina Viktorovna defends the rights of her "wards" rather harshly, pulling out on public display the far-fetched and even intimate details of their life with celebrity and famous spouses.

Katya began her social activities even earlier than her legal activities. In 2010, she supported the defenders of the Khimki forest, using the loud name of her ex-husband. In the same year, she took part in a mass rally on Triumfalnaya Square, together with other activists demanded freedom of assembly.
In 2017, Ekaterina Viktorovna announced her desire to take part in the presidential elections. She planned to turn Russia into a republic, create a new party, and even collected the required number of votes in her support, but the “business” did not go further. Katya did not talk about the reasons that made her abandon her intentions.
How much and how does Ekaterina Gordon earn
Almost all areas of her activity bring income to a woman. For example, she publishes books that can be downloaded and read on the World Wide Web, sells her original musical compositions to such star performers as Angelica Agurbash, Dmitry Koldun, Ani Lorak and others. The largest fee for her song was just over 20 thousand dollars, the smallest was 3.

Katya's main income comes from her legal activities. Knowing about her intolerance and her habit of getting to the bottom of the truth, protecting her client "to the point of hoarseness" and in all possible ways, many celebrities turn to her for help.
Katie Gordon's personal life
In this regard, a woman is not as successful as in professional activities. She was married twice, she has two sons, there are a lot of rumors and speculations around her personal life.
The first husband of Katya was a famous journalist, actor, director Alexander Gordon. They lived together for 6 years, but then the marriage broke up. The former couple does not want to discuss the reasons with journalists.

The second husband is Ekaterina, and twice became the lawyer Sergei Zhorin. But soon after the wedding, the newly-made husband beat his wife, she ended up in a hospital bed. After the scandal, the couple divorced. After the divorce, Katya had a son, Daniel. Three years later, the couple tried to start a family again, but again to no avail.
In 2017, Katya Gordon had a second son, Seraphim. The media claimed that his father is businessman Matsanyuk Igor, whom Katya Gordon was going to marry after the second divorce from Zhorin. The woman herself does not confirm this information.