Participation in the KVN games requires from the participants not only good preparation, but also iron nerves. It is not easy to joke unobtrusively, while not just laughing it off, but really causing sincere laughter from the audience and fate. In order to play KVN, you need an excellent sense of humor, the ability to feel the mood of the audience and know what and how you can joke about and what you can't.

Step 1
First of all, practice the ability to turn any situation into a joke. There is nothing more funny than black humor, in which serious and sometimes scary things turn into funny. Use such techniques as grotesque comparisons, juxtaposition of incomparable things, and so on.
Step 2
Take responsibility for your team name. It's good if the team name contains any ambiguous phrase, a play on words. It shouldn't be long or overly complicated, it should be short and catchy. Also, a good solution would be to use such a name that it can be somehow displayed in the symbols and form of the team.
Step 3
Team uniform is a must. If the clothes of the players have "motley", then this must be planned, treat the choice of clothes as if choosing a corporate style - everything is either uniform or within the same theme.
Step 4
In joint rehearsals, try different roles on different participants, brainstorm, write jokes together. Keep in mind that no one really knows in advance whether this or that image will suit him or not. Try different roles for different participants. Choose the time for rehearsals as the most optimal and free for the whole team. There should be as many jokes as possible so that there is a wide choice, as well as the ability to replace those that, for some reason, cannot be used.
Step 5
Remember that the success of a joke depends more on the speaker's charisma, half, twenty percent of the mood of the audience, and only thirty percent of the joke itself. Create your stage image, jokes should be either in strict accordance with it, or exactly the opposite.
Step 6
Before the game, always create the right mood with the joint efforts of the team. You must be well "warmed up" before the start of the competition so as not to waste the time allotted to win the sympathy of the judges.
Step 7
The main quality that will help you win success is self-confidence. Concentrate on one performance. You came here to amuse and entertain people, so concentrate on this task.
Step 8
You shouldn't think about the answer to a joke for a long time - the most original is always born spontaneously, and not as a result of long reflections. Inspiration and lightness are the most important points to look out for.