Street dancing is a unique form of art, it is plastic and rhythmic body movements to music. Anyone can master them, but this will require long and persistent training.

Step 1
Choose the most interesting dance direction for you. You can stop at hip-hop, tectonics, break, etc. If you find it difficult to make a choice, think about which music you prefer. After that, it will be easier to choose a specific dance style.
Step 2
Find one of the city's dance schools and arrange your first lesson. It is usually free. But take your time with the final choice, ask your friends, read reviews on the Internet, look at trial classes in different schools. Meet with a dance instructor and see how professional they are.
Step 3
Try to learn dancing on your own if you cannot enroll in a special school for this. You will need to develop flexibility and coordination of movements. To do this, do different stretching exercises every day, for example, without bending your knees, bend to the floor. Search online for instructional videos that detail the necessary body movements. Learn the dance based on the recommendations of the experts.
Step 4
Learn free form street dancing to surprise your friends even more. To do this, stand in front of a mirror, put on your favorite song and start moving in its rhythm. At first, there may be confusion and some awkwardness in the movements. But after a while, you will feel that the movements have become smooth and beautiful.
Step 5
Remember - a professional can easily perform a dance to any melody, so practice doing it to different music and even without it. Try to create your own dance using all the movements you have learned. Try not to think about the correctness of the performance of certain movements, so as not to go astray - the dance should look free and natural.