To be able to dance club dances is modern, stylish and healthy. After all, life is a movement, but not any, but conscious. You don't have to go to clubs or enroll in a dance school to learn to dance in style. You can do this at home, but there are pros and cons.

Step 1
There are two pluses. The first is cost savings. You just need to buy a disc that teaches club dances, or download it from the Internet. And the cost of even one lesson in a good dance school often exceeds the price of a DVD that includes an entire course.
The second plus is time saving. There is no clear schedule of classes, you can choose your own schedule - this is very convenient. And besides, it is impossible to miss the video lesson.
Step 2
Of course, you can't do without cons. The first of these is psychology. Many beginners buy activity discs for fear of sounding awkward, they are afraid of being ridiculed. This is fundamentally wrong - a good coach will always help any beginner. In addition, going to dance school is beneficial in terms of overcoming the fear of the public. You can dance at home like a virtuoso, and at a disco, modestly "huddle" in a corner.
Well, improvement. To grow above yourself, you need a teacher who knows a lot of tricks. And the disc will teach you exactly what was recorded in it.
Step 3
If you decide to do dancing at home, then you should prepare for this. First, select a course and buy (download from the Internet) it. Fortunately, there are plenty of sites with similar lessons on the world wide web.
Step 4
Let's say a few words about the attitude. It is better not to start without the attitude to learning. Exercise regularly, do not skip or rest weeks - you will certainly forget what you studied. Educate your will, draw up an approximate schedule of classes and go ahead.
Step 5
Take care of your equipment. This includes leotards or shorts, a tank top or a top. And instead of special shoes, wear thick knit socks or dance shoes if the floor is slippery.
Step 6
Choose a place for lessons so that you have a minimum area of 2 square meters. A large mirror is desirable. And even obligatory. And in it you should be seen as a whole, and all your movements with your arms and legs.