Thanks to such popular TV shows as KVN and Comedy Club, game miniatures have become very popular. If you wish, you yourself can learn how to write scripts for these small but striking scenes.

Step 1
To come up with a miniature, you first need to develop a plot outline. As a rule, it is born from one single thought or idea. A miniature plot should be capacious, expressive and complete.
Step 2
Coming up with a script for a future comedy miniature, remember funny situations in which you or your acquaintances fell. There must have been many such incidents, so why not talk about it?
Step 3
A miniature can be born from a single phrase or word. Please note that in most short scenes, philosophical, social and everyday issues are most often raised. Think about the meaning of life, about your observations of life or moral values - such topics will always remain eternal.
Step 4
If you come up with an image or an idea that, as it seems to you, can turn out something, always write it down or draw sketches so that later you can return to this idea and work it out more thoroughly. There is no doubt that talent is needed to create miniatures, but sometimes general brainstorming can help. Do not be afraid to ask your friends for help, because it is in the dispute that the truth is born. Perhaps their comments will help develop your idea.
Step 5
After you have already figured out exactly what you want to talk about, you just have to fix your thoughts on paper. At the same time, it is worth remembering that despite its small volume, a miniature is a compositionally and meaningfully complete work that contains one thought and idea in its purest form. There should be no other additional artistic tasks in the miniature.
Step 6
Remember that you don't have to come up with vibrant dialogues for a miniature. These scenes may even be dumb. The main thing here is to be able to convey the main plot idea to the viewer with the help of sign language.
Step 7
Displaying miniatures usually requires a minimum of decorations (if any). It is much easier to explain in words where and with whom this or that action takes place, than to create complex interiors for each scene.