How To Take Art Photography

How To Take Art Photography
How To Take Art Photography

The main art today is … not even cinema, but photography. Especially art photography, or, as it is now fashionable to call it, art photography. How to turn from an ordinary photographer into a photo artist and create art-style photographs.

Art photography is high art
Art photography is high art

What is art photography

Art photography is photography that reflects the creative world and a special vision of the world of the photographer as an artist. It is characterized by a variety of technical means. She is inherent in the richness of the pictorial language. Art photography is not a reportage photo, not a commercial photograph used in advertising. This is a whole world that reflects the inner world of its author. She goes far beyond the photographic framework, turning from an ordinary photo into an object of art. How does this happen? Why do some photographs suddenly become "art"?

To create art photography, you must use methods, techniques, devices and materials that are not used in classical photography. And this is not necessarily the latest computer technology. Today, toning, large grain, bromide silver paper and other "rarity" things are fashionable. Monocular lenses are suitable for creating art photography. Anything the soul of the photographer desires and what, in his opinion, best reflects his conceptual idea.

Art photographs, despite the fact that they are not used in everyday life, in advertising, in the media, are very popular. They are not created to order, but according to the movement of the soul. Like pictures. And then they are acquired for a lot of money by the owners of galleries and private collections.

What art photography should be

Art photography should be beautiful. No, this is not one hundred and fiftieth sunset and not a sexy blonde in a bikini. The plot of art photography should be far from the plot of a classic photo. Sometimes he is terrible, cruel, incomprehensible. But it is beautiful in its horror, cruelty, incomprehensibility. There must be intrigue in art photography. This is not the plot that lies on the surface. Looking at art photography, the viewer must "think out" what is happening, try to unravel what is captured. It is this mystery that makes the art photography genre so attractive.

Art photography is a combination of the real world with the surreal. Space for a flight of imagination, where there are no canons and restrictions. Art can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Including those that no one has yet discovered. It can be a psychological monochrome portrait, a romantic pastel, a black and white fantasy, or an expressive children's fairy tale. In art photography, models and objects are never themselves. They transform into heroes and heroines of the work "written" by the photographer. In this they are helped by unusual makeup, body painting, face art, and unique decorations. If nature is captured in art photography, it is usually in atypical manifestations. Snow in June, rainbow in winter. Do you think this does not happen? Everything happens in art photography.
