How To Make A Gift For March 8 To Mom And Grandmother With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Gift For March 8 To Mom And Grandmother With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Gift For March 8 To Mom And Grandmother With Your Own Hands

An original present for March 8 to a mother or grandmother can not only be bought, but also made independently. A hand-made thing will become the most expensive and sincere gift for a loved one. In addition, children can be involved in the process of making a gift for a spring holiday, which will have a positive effect on the development of their creative thinking and fine motor skills.

crafts for March 8
crafts for March 8

Large flower made of corrugated paper

Large bright flowers made of corrugated paper will be an excellent option for crafts on March 8 in kindergarten and elementary school. Under the strict guidance of an adult, it will not be difficult for a child to cope with such a product.


Necessary materials:

  • corrugated paper of different colors (size 30x50 cm) -7 pcs.;
  • paper clips;
  • thin wire;
  • scissors.


We place a sheet of corrugated paper vertically on the working surface, after which we begin to fold it like an accordion. Each fold should be 5 cm wide. Try to fold the paper so that the edges of the folds are straight.


We fix the middle of the resulting accordion with a paper clip.


We carry out a similar procedure with the rest of the sheets of corrugated paper. We lay out the resulting paper tubes in accordance with the selected sequence of colors. Then each next strip is cut 5 cm shorter than the previous one (the first strip is 50 cm, the second is 45 cm, the third is 40 cm, etc.).


The ends of each "accordion" are carefully sharpened or rounded off with scissors.


Next, we cut each fold along the contour, leaving the part where the clamp is uncut.


We remove the clamps from the bundles, unfold the sheets and put them together, sorting by size from largest to smallest. Then we begin to fold all the sheets again with an accordion.


We tie the central part of the resulting beam with wire.


Straighten the strips of each layer in turn, at the end of this process, trim the edges of the flower with scissors. You can decorate the room for the spring holiday with such bright flowers in the Mexican style.


Bouquet of tulips from sweets

A bouquet of fresh flowers and a box of chocolates is considered a classic option for a gift on March 8th. At the same time, a bouquet made of chocolates with your own hands will become an unusual and touching present for your mother or grandmother in honor of International Women's Day.


Necessary materials:

  • flat chocolates;
  • green scotch tape;
  • cocktail tubes;
  • pencil;
  • colored paper;
  • cellophane;
  • glue;
  • wrapping;
  • long wooden skewers;
  • scissors.


We make a flower template with three petals and a small hole in the center from thick cardboard - it will serve as a blank for homemade tulips. We transfer the silhouette of the template to paper of different colors, for example, pink, lilac, yellow or with delicate drawings. Draw oblong leaves on green paper.


We put two flat chocolates on top of each other and wrap them in a piece of cellophane, twisting the free edge into a tight rope.


We cut the cocktail tubes into several pieces 3-4 cm long, they will act as a link between the candy and a wooden skewer. Insert candies in cellophane into one end of the tube, and a wooden skewer into the other end. We wrap the resulting structure with green tape.


Cut out prepared templates for tulips and leaves from paper. We wrap each blank slightly inward to give the composition a more natural look.


Through the hole made in the center of the flower, insert a stem with a bud of chocolates.


We connect all the petals together by gluing the edges together.


Then we put on a second blank of petals of a different color.


We apply a petal to the resulting flower and fasten it with tape.


By analogy, we make the required number of tulips and arrange them in a bouquet, wrapped in beautiful gift paper.

Flowers from cotton pads

This craft is suitable for children of the younger group of kindergarten and will be a wonderful gift for mom or grandmother on March 8.


Necessary materials:

  • green straws for drinks;
  • ear sticks;
  • yellow paint;
  • cotton disks;
  • glue.


To make one flower, you will need one cosmetic cotton pad, one ear stick and one cocktail tube. Dip one end of a cotton swab in yellow paint.


Insert the unpainted end of the stick into the hole in the cocktail tube. The stem for the future flower is ready. Now we apply a cotton pad to the base, giving it the shape of a kala bud. We fix the places of the bends with PVA glue.


We make the required number of flowers and make a beautiful gift bouquet from them.

Butterfly made of colored paper

A bouquet of natural or artificial flowers can be decorated with a cute butterfly made of colored paper. This craft is suitable for elementary school students.


Necessary materials:

  • colored paper;
  • foil;
  • threads;
  • glue;
  • scissors.


We take colored paper of two bright colors and cut out two rectangles from it: one larger, the other smaller. Glue the small rectangle to the large one in the middle, and then fold the paper with an accordion.


In the center we tie the accordion with a thread, then cut it so that we get large and small wings, after which we give them a rounded shape. We wrap the place where the accordion is tied with thread with foil in several layers and make small antennae.

A vase for flowers

A bouquet of flowers can be supplemented with a beautiful homemade vase, which will be an excellent souvenir for March 8 for mom or grandmother.


Necessary materials:

  • glass jar or bottle;
  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.


We cut corrugated paper of different colors into small pieces of different sizes. We coat the glass container with glue, then glue the multi-colored paper shreds to it so that there are no gaps left. Apply another layer of PVA glue. When the wonderful craft dries up, you can give it to your mother or grandmother on March 8th.