Word games are not only fun but also useful. People who were fond of them in childhood usually write much more competently than those who did not know these games. There are several games where you need to make words from letters. But you need to teach this to a child or learn yourself gradually.

It is necessary
- Cubes with letters
- Board game "Scrabble"
- Board game "Learn to read"
Step 1
While playing with your child, pay attention to the fact that letters are written on the cubes. What do they mean? Invite your child to name a word. What sounds does it consist of? What letters represent these sounds? Find the letters you want. In what order are the sounds pronounced? What needs to be done so that everyone understands that the sounds are pronounced together? If the child finds it difficult - tell me that it is necessary to put the cubes with the necessary letters next to them.
Step 2
Take the Learn to Read game. Put together a word from the letters and read it. Invite your child to form a word. If he lays out everything that comes into his head - do not scold him and do not say what he is doing wrong. Just read aloud what he has folded. Do this every time. Sooner or later, the child will begin to form words meaningfully.
Step 3
When the child learns to freely operate with three-dimensional letters, find the game "Scrabble". Fold different words with your child in different ways. If you cannot find this game on sale, play Balda. To do this, you need a sheet of paper and a pen. Think of a word with many different letters. Count the sounds and letters in this word with your child. Draw a square and divide it into boxes. The number of cells in a row should correspond to the number of letters in the intended word. Write this word in the middle horizontal row. Read a few letters next to it and ask what new word you can make of them and what letter you need to add. The letter must be added to the box above or below the last letter read. Pupils and students are happy to play this game.