Bream is one of the most common freshwater fish in the waters of the European part of Russia, however, in order to catch it on a hook, you need to stock up not only with tackle and remarkable patience, but also with the appropriate bait.

Fishing for bream has a lot in common with carp fishing, since the number and size of fish caught directly depends on the quality of the prepared bait. Of course, you can use ready-made bait, having bought it in one of the nearest fishing shops, but a real "breeder" will never go for this. It's better to spend some time in the kitchen preparing the “right” food than spending money on a flavored mixture of unknown ingredients. In addition, their own feeding, as a rule, never fails.
It's all about the components
Experienced anglers probably know that bream bait should be prepared based on the water body in which fishing is planned. So, if you have to catch on the current, then more binders should be added to the bait so that it retains its taste properties longer and is not so intensively washed out by fast river water. When choosing a suitable feeding recipe, the factor at what time of the year the bream will be caught is also important.
For many years, cake has been the most important ingredient in white fish bait. Most of the cake consists of crushed sunflower seeds, but they are often replaced with hemp, pumpkin, rapeseed and flax seeds.
The cake is available for sale in fishing shops, sometimes you can stumble upon it in the markets where agricultural products are sold. When buying a cake (this product is sold in the form of very fragrant rounded plates), you need to pay attention not to its smell. So, if the smell is slightly musty, then you should not buy such a cake.
The second important component of bait for bream is bread crumbs. This product, in addition to the "interesting" aroma for fish, gives the bait a certain color. For example, if the bottom of the reservoir is dark and muddy, then rye bread crumbs (dark) should be added to the groundbait, and if the bottom is clay and sandy, then wheat crackers (white) should be used. It is advisable to follow these unwritten rules, since bream is a very cautious fish and does not like food, the color of which contrasts with the color of the bottom of the reservoir.
A recipe for all occasions
In order to prepare high-quality groundbait for bream, you must thoroughly mix the following ingredients:
- bread crumbs - 300 grams;
- fried sunflower seeds (or cake) - 200 grams;
- bran - 300 grams;
- boiled millet - 300 grams.
To impart viscosity to this mixture, clay, crushed oatmeal (you can grind ordinary Hercules) or wheat flour can be used as a binder.
Sometimes spices are added to the top dressing to stimulate the bite. The most popular of these is dried coriander.
From the finished mixture, small balls (about the size of an orange) should be fashioned. The whole bait should not be thrown into the water at one time, but it is better to divide the whole amount into several small portions.