Fatigue, sluggish diction, slurred pronunciation, even stuttering are common problems with poor development of the vocal apparatus. In some cases, speech becomes slurred due to the wrong tempo, too fast or too slow. The interlocutor ceases to understand you and is disconnected from your speech. Special breathing techniques and stage speech exercises will help to train your voice, gain confidence in conversation and interest the listeners.

Step 1
You can train the speech voice under the guidance of a stage speech teacher or on your own. The beginning of classes is always breathing exercises. The most popular technique was developed by the doctor and singer Strelnikova, who, using it, lived to a ripe old age, retaining not only a beautiful singing voice, but also general well-being. The basis of the Strelnikov technique is a sharp, deep, short breath through the nose and a free, imperceptible exhalation through the nose or through the mouth. Gymnastics exercise books are readily available.
Step 2
The second stage is a general warm-up of the mouth: biting the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks, stretching and drawing in the lips, various movements are described in any textbook on stage speech.
Step 3
Syllables. When combining several voiceless or voiced consonants with one vowel (ptka, ptke, ptki, ptko, ptku, ptky), pronounce each sound clearly. Use different combinations of syllables, developing certain dictional qualities.
Step 4
Tongue Twisters. They must first be pronounced at a slow pace, exaggerating each letter, then gradually accelerate the pace, but still maintain the clarity of vowels and consonants. Reservations are inevitable, but try to keep them to a minimum. Gradually, they will disappear altogether.
Step 5
Reading poetry and prose. Read literary works from a book or from memory, clearly pronouncing each letter. Gradually increase the volume of the readable speech, bringing the time to 1, 5-2 hours.