At all times, people wanted to know the meaning of their dreams. For this, various fortune-telling books and dream books were invented. Today, when humanity has already invented psychoanalysis and the Internet, you do not need to look for advice in an ancient fortune-telling book. Although, who knows, maybe she will better predict the future? Try all the options, maybe one of them will decipher your dream completely.

It is necessary
- dream books
- Jung's books
- intuition
Step 1
Many scientists believe that sleep is the brain's reaction to the events of the past day. Therefore, in order to decipher your dream, you must remember and analyze what happened to you during the day.
Step 2
The psychoanalyst Carl Gustave Jung believed that the collective memory of all our ancestors, and not personal experiences, is embedded in our dreams. Therefore, at the right time, a dream can warn you against some bad event. Listen to your dreams!
Step 3
Today there are a huge number of dream books, many of which are on the Internet. If you want to quickly decipher your dream, look in the dream book. Many interpreters disagree on the interpretation of dreams. Therefore, look at several dream books at once and compare the values.
Step 4
If you are seriously worried about recurring dreams, then it is best to turn to specialists - a dream interpreter or psychoanalyst. They will help you get rid of imposing dreams and try to decipher your dream.
Step 5
Rely more on your intuition. Sleep is an area of the unconscious and cannot be described by scientific laws. One can only try to decipher.