The classic tarot deck consists of the Major and Minor arcana. It is more difficult to master the Minor Arcana, but they open up the ability to predict a variety of events, dive into the details of the future, or even transform everything that happens in the future. It is better to start the study not with individual cards, but with the features of the suit.

Minor arcana of the same suit have a lot in common. They usually denote a specific area and certain moods. Sometimes you can not remember the meaning of the Tarot card, but by the suit you can understand what information it carries. The Tarot suits need to be felt, only then will they open their possibilities.
Tarot cups
The suit responsible for emotions and feelings is Tarot Cups. These cards speak of positive emotional experiences, love, affection, dreams and joy. This is a suit of positive values, almost all cards bear pleasant outlines, give hope for an improvement in the condition.
If the cards of cups prevail in the Tarot layout, we can say that a person is busy with emotions, that he is only worried about experiences and passions, he is carried away by another person or business, but there is no calculation in this, this is only the command of the heart. There is a certain lightheadedness in this, but for some people it is a harmonious way of existence, for others it is only a temporary insanity.
The suit of the Tarot Cups can reduce the negative value of other Minor Arcana. In combination with difficult events, the Cups indicate that a person will worry, but this will not turn into a prolonged depression, and after a short time will come to naught.
Pentacles Tarot
The name of this suit speaks for itself - Pentacles of the Tarot are responsible for money and material matters. These 14 cards are able to predict monetary gains, gifts or losses. Since the material world is an integral part of our world, it is impossible to do without these cards.
The abundance of cards of the suit of Pentacles is not a good sign, if there are a lot of cards of this suit, then this indicates pettiness and a huge number of actions with money that do not always bring income. Better when there are a dozen of pentacles or an ace of pentacles in the layout, they talk about wealth and luck in the plan.
When reading the lassos of the pentacles, pay attention to the cups or swords nearby. It is important to tell not only about the event, but also about the reaction to it. The abundance of Tarot Swords will speak of anxiety and painful reaction, Tarot Cups will soften troubles.
Tarot wands
Current affairs and events show Tarot Wands or Maces. This is the suit of work or small incidents that surround a person all the time. From day to day something needs to be done, and the effectiveness, the intensity of labor can be determined by the Wands or Clubs of the Tarot.
Cards of this suit carry different meanings: from success in business, realization to complete exhaustion, fatigue and disappointment. The energy of each card is unique, it can answer questions about the expediency of the case, about how everything will happen. The tarot wands are a description of the processes in which all people participate.
Tarot swords
Suit of emotions and actions - Swords of the Tarot. Each card of this suit has a deep meaning, it describes both the external sensations of a person and internal events. Depending on the question, it can carry different information. The more specific the request, the clearer the answer. If you ask about emotions, then the cards will tell about the deepest feelings of a person, about his fears, doubts and secret desires. If about events, then Tarot Swords will help you see danger, negative events and very bright aspirations for the goal.
Swords never have a single meaning. For example, a stop on the way to a goal can carry several definitions at once - a delay or a pause, which is necessary before the next jerk. To interpret correctly, it is important to focus on the meanings of the Wands and Pentacles, as they speak of external events. Sometimes one card can have two completely opposite meanings, and its interpretation will depend on the environment.