How To Learn To Paint With Watercolors

How To Learn To Paint With Watercolors
How To Learn To Paint With Watercolors

You don't have to be a professional artist to paint with watercolors. With free time, the necessary tools and materials, minimal drawing skills and a great desire, you can learn this in two weeks.

You can learn to paint with watercolors in two weeks
You can learn to paint with watercolors in two weeks

Before picking up watercolor, you need to get acquainted with the basics of drawing, color science and learn how to make pencil sketches. The process of painting with watercolors begins with the creation of a watercolor painting. In the future, it is not necessary to do this, it is enough to only slightly outline the contours of the objects, but it is better to draw the first samples carefully.

Pencil sketch

Still life is put on. The simplest is a maximum of three items and a drape. Then watercolor paper is taken, fixed on the tablet. A simple pencil TM, sharpened finely, but not excessively, so that no depressed strokes remain on the paper, a drawing is applied. You need to try to work only with the edge of a pencil, without pressing it on the paper. The pencil is held at a 10 ° angle. Drawing under watercolor is intended to help find on the sheet the boundaries of the future still life and the place of each item separately. Then, with light strokes, the light is separated from the shadow. Hatching begins where the break in light and shadow passes and goes to the shaded side.

After finishing the drawing for watercolor, you should set it aside and look at it a little later. You might want to fix or redraw something. In the meantime, you can start organizing your workspace. Prepare round squirrel brushes, numbers 3-4, watercolors, stock up on water. There should be enough work space. Nothing should be on the floor. After the workplace is ready, you need to prepare a palette. Your best bet is to use a piece of thick, glossy paper, such as a postcard.

Watercolor sketch

Next, you can create a watercolor sketch. It determines the color scheme of the future picture. One item with dominant color is selected. You need to start the sketch with it. The others follow him. The first batch on the palette is done according to the color of the dominant subject. Then the colors of the following items are added to it. The dominant color in the mix of the rest must be present in order to create a single composition. As a result, the very last object or background should contain all the colors in the composition. The next step is to work out the shadows.

Creating a drawing

After that, you can proceed to work. The sketch is placed in the upper corner of the easel, a tablet with a pencil drawing is placed on the easel. What you did in the sketch is now done on the tablet, but already along the pencil outlines. There is no need to rush and apply a lot of paint too. In watercolors, a lack of paint is better than an excess of it. The paper should show through a little - this is the essence of watercolor painting.