How To Protect Your Aura

How To Protect Your Aura
How To Protect Your Aura

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Each person, in addition to his physical body, also has a spiritual, invisible body - his aura. Depending on how harmonious a person feels, what his health is, and what his lifestyle is, the aura can change, and sometimes a good and healthy aura can be disturbed by external influences. There are several ways to protect your aura from negative energy.

How to protect your aura
How to protect your aura


Step 1

A reliable way to cleanse your aura is to douse you with cold water, which not only cleanses you, but also gives you health, freshness and vigor. A contrast shower has the same effect - while taking a shower, visualize a flow that washes away all the negative energy from you.

Step 2

Water is a universal remedy for cleansing not only the body, but also the mental one, so you can take not only a shower, but also a bath with healing aromatic oils. Fill the bath with warm water (no more than 38 degrees), and then add 10-15 drops of citrus essential oils mixed with a little milk to the bath.

Step 3

Take a bath for 15 minutes, then take a shower, light the aroma lamp with orange or lemon oil and relax for a few minutes, inhaling the scent. In addition to essential oils, you can add a decoction of wormwood or juniper to the bath.

Step 4

Close the tips of the thumbs and forefingers, and then thread the resulting rings into each other, and then visualize a stream of white cleansing light around you - this will restore the weakened aura.

Step 5

In order to prevent the weakening of the aura by the penetration of other people's negative energies, clean your house after the arrival of guests - never leave unwashed dishes after guests, and also get into the habit of always doing wet cleaning after strangers leave your home.

Step 6

If you bought a new item, regardless of whether you bought it or got it as a gift, wash it or fumigate it with incense to rid it of unnecessary information. When you come from the street as often as possible, take a shower, wash your face and wash your shoes.

Step 7

Avoid stress, exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle - eat right, get enough sleep and get enough rest to enjoy life. Only a feeling of emotional abundance and joy can truly protect you and form a healthy aura around you.

Step 8

Also, special amulets and talismans can help you - but before using the talisman, do not forget to activate it. Put your desire or intention into the talisman, and then do not part with it for several days. Anything can become such a talisman - a Chinese coin, a ball of thread, any symbol important to you, as well as a pectoral cross.

Step 9

The cross should be worn on a lace made of linen, cotton or silk, so that it touches the skin on the chest. If you are a baptized person and wear a cross, do not wear other talismans with it on your body, so as not to reduce their effect to "no".
