Knitted geometric shapes can be used by craftswomen both individually and as an integral part of the main checkered product. For example, large and small rectangles serve as potholders and napkins in the household, and also interconnect to create a patterned canvas. Learn to knit squares and you will have an interesting outfit, tablecloth or panel.

It is necessary
- - hook;
- - cotton thread.
Step 1
Begin crocheting a simple square, moving from the center of the future shape to the hem. First, complete a chain of nine air loops, then make one double crochet from the first loop.
Step 2
This will be followed by five air loops and again a double crochet; at the end of the row there are five more air loops. The work is closed with a connecting post from the fourth air loop of the initial chain.
Step 3
Continue to knit the square in the second circular (and in fact, "square") row. The first are five air loops. Then one double crochet and an air chain of five links are performed. Knitting is closed with a connecting post, but from the third initial loop. Next, work on knitting the figures according to the pattern.
Step 4
Try to make the job harder. You can get a knitted square, consisting of an even number of dense (filled with thread loops) cells. A seven-link air chain will serve as a starting point for you.
Step 5
Make a double crochet that will fit three chain stitches. Then continue with the following alternations: three air loops; another pair is tied from the last ready-made double crochet; further (from the initial air loop), the last double crochet in the current row is performed.
Step 6
Close the work with a connecting post (from the fourth loop of the first air chain) and proceed with the second "square" row. It will start with five loops of the chain, after which you need to tie a double crochet. In this case, the rod of the hook must enter the body of the corner loop of the lower row.
Step 7
Continue knitting: make three air loops; a couple of double crochets from the last finished column; another double crochet (from the same corner loop of the next row as in paragraph 5.
Step 8
Finally, do a couple of chain stitches, a double crochet, and a couple more stitches. The row ends with a connecting post - it is knitted from the third link of the original air chain.