Despite the fact that today a lighter can be purchased at almost any kiosk, and many souvenir shops are overflowing with original and convenient lighters, many craftsmen try to make this accessory with their own hands - from scrap materials.

Most often, in order to make a lighter on their own, craftsmen use small metal vessels - so that the finished lighter does not seem too bulky and fits easily in the hand. For example, a metal cartridge is considered an ideal reservoir for a future lighter. Making a lighter from a metal cartridge case is not so easy, but if you have enough free time and seven materials necessary to make a lighter, you can try. There are two options for making a lighter from a metal sleeve.
<p class = "MsoNormal" style = "margin-left: 0cm; text-indent: 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;
tab-stops: list 36.0pt "> 1. The first option is to solder a narrow tube with a cutout for the wheel to the metal sleeve. A special flint for a lighter with a small spring is installed in this cutout. The wick cap is also made of durable metal. a metal lighter is considered more complicated.
<p class = "MsoNormal" style = "margin-left: 0cm; text-indent: 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;
tab-stops: list 36.0pt "> 2. The second option is considered to be simpler - in order to make a lighter, a small piece of cotton cord is used. It is dipped into a sleeve to protect it from moisture. Sometimes such a cord is moistened with regular gasoline - for greater efficiency You can get a spark using an ordinary piece of a file, which is cut to the smallest possible size (usually up to five centimeters). Of course, such a device can hardly be called a lighter in the full sense of the word, but it is great for making fire in extreme conditions, when at hand no ordinary lighter or matches.
<p class = "MsoNormal" style = "margin-left: 0cm; text-indent: 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;
tab-stops: list 36.0pt "> 3. Sometimes a person who finds himself in field conditions does not have at hand a non-metal sleeve with gasoline and silicon stone, nor other materials from which one could make a lighter with his own hands. But what to do, if you need to make a fire urgently? half make a depression with a teaspoon. Salt and toothpaste are put in the hole, after which the halves of the potato are combined - so that the wires, previously cleaned at both ends, fall into the depression. A ball of cotton wool is put on one of the wires and wait five minutes - that is how much time is required for the reaction to begin. Now you can touch the exposed part of the second wiring of the cotton wool, and it will immediately light up.