How To Make A Plastic Vase

How To Make A Plastic Vase
How To Make A Plastic Vase

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Plastic, or polymer clay, has become popular as a material from which needlewomen create all kinds of costume jewelry at home. However, the characteristics of this material make it possible to use it in larger projects as well. Plastic is quite suitable for making a durable beautiful flower vase.

How to make a plastic vase
How to make a plastic vase


Step 1

Take a piece of plastic in beige or white. Knead it thoroughly in your hands. This will improve the plasticity of the material and protect it from the appearance of defects after drying.

Step 2

Place the plastic on a piece of Whatman paper. Roll it with a rolling pin into a layer about 1 cm thick. Please note that all surfaces and tools when working with plastic, as well as your hands, must be perfectly clean - any dirt, lint, dust particles instantly adhere to the material and are difficult to clean off …

Step 3

Knead the pieces of blue, sand and light green polymer clay. Roll them out to a thickness of 3-5 mm. Along a ruler, using a clerical knife, cut strips 5 mm wide from the plates. Lay them parallel to each other on a white or beige base. Roll the strips (lengthwise) along with the base until they "merge" into a single whole.

Step 4

Get a nicely shaped plastic or glass bottle. Measure it with a measuring tape and divide it in half lengthwise. Draw a dividing line with a marker. Place the prepared polymer clay onto the bottle. Sculpt the shape of the future vase with your fingers, repeating the outline of the bottle. Cut the edges of the material with a knife along the line on the bottle. Carefully remove the workpiece while maintaining its shape. In the same way, make a cast of the second half of the vase and its bottom.

Step 5

Place the halves of the vase together. Pressing the pencil against the walls from the inside, rub the edges of the blanks together. Attach the bottom as well. Roll out small pieces of plastic of the base color in a thin layer (2 mm) and place them along the seams of the vase. After smoothing these areas, use a toothpick to squeeze out any geometric or floral pattern on them.

Step 6

In accordance with the instructions on the packaging of the material, dry the finished product at room temperature or in the oven. After that, the vase can be painted with acrylics and varnished.
