From the outside, it seems that luck comes to a person suddenly, when he does not make visible efforts to achieve the goal. At the same time, only the lucky one knows how hard he was given the right combination of circumstances and how much work will have to be done to keep the chance.

Step 1
The first step to getting lucky is choosing a direction. Be specific about your goals and your desires. It is impossible to move in several directions at once and expect that success will accompany you on all fronts. Focus on one thing and get ready to follow through at all costs. Provide for all the obstacles that may arise on your way at one time or another, try to minimize their significance, find workarounds and solutions. All this must be done in advance, before you start active actions.
Step 2
The second step is work. Luck does not come to those who simply want to achieve something, and it is impossible to reveal desire and desire in the absence of action. Work hard to achieve your goal. Often you do not need luck in achieving goals - it is enough to take a few simple steps so that the goal is completed solely by your forces, without any luck or help.
Step 3
The third step is labor efficiency. Diligence in itself can be effective, but if you don't put your knowledge to work, the work will go to waste or serve as the basis for the success of some other person. Of course, if you turn to someone for help, then he will certainly require some kind of return from you, but conduct cooperation on favorable terms for yourself. Agree in advance about all the concessions on your part and do not let it sit on your neck.
If you work exclusively for yourself, carefully calculate each step before starting work: an action may be mandatory and urgent, it may be entrusted to another person, or it may be postponed or completely forgotten as unnecessary.
Step 4
Establish connections in your field of activity. To begin with, your colleagues must become your friends. Get them in the right place and then submit your designs to them. Explain why they will benefit from working with you, why you cannot cope on your own. Be a friend first, and then a partner.