How To Draw A Room

How To Draw A Room
How To Draw A Room

Table of contents:


Drawing a room is one of the must-do activities in art school. Even if you do not study there, it will be useful to complete this exercise, and with the right choice of the object, it is also pleasant.

How to draw a room
How to draw a room

It is necessary

Paper, pencil, eraser, watercolor / sepia / charcoal / pastel / colored pencils


Step 1

Select the part of the room that you will paint. Try to avoid platitudes. Let something catch the eye in this fragment - unusual furniture or decor, a combination of colors in objects or interesting incident light.

Step 2

Determine the point from which you will look at this space. Depending on whether you stand or sit, settle on the floor or even climb higher, the overall impression of the drawing will change.

Step 3

Look at the fullness of the space. Ideally, there should be no cluttered corners contrasting with empty areas (you can add a few items to fix the composition). However, such options are allowed if you strive to create a certain mood in this way: for example, desolation, chaos, etc.

Step 4

Build the main planes of the room - walls, ceiling or floor (if they come into view). In this case, one must be guided by the laws of perspective, which are described in special manuals for artists and architects. In any case, the parallel lines of the planes move closer together as they move away from the viewer. To more accurately convey the angle of inclination of the line, extend your hand with a pencil forward, "put" the pencil on the line, and then attach it to the paper in the same position.

Step 5

In general terms, mark the objects in the picture - their size and location relative to each other.

Step 6

Build each item separately. Break it down into the geometric shapes of which it consists, draw a central axis for each of them and build, guided by the same laws of perspective.

Step 7

On the planes of the room, outline the falling shadows with a thin line, so that you do not forget about them later.

Step 8

Choose the material with which you will paint your room. For a space with hard furnishings (wood, steel, plastic) pencils are suitable - simple and colored. For a room with upholstered furniture and a large number of draperies, watercolor or soft materials - charcoal, sepia, sanguine, pastel are more suitable.

Step 9

Apply the main color spots first to all surfaces. Then add shades and your own shadows. Only after you have tinted the floor and walls can you add drop shadows. Keep in mind that glare appears on smooth surfaces that should be left unpainted.

Step 10

At the very last stage of the work, draw in the small details of those objects that are in the foreground. If the drawing is watercolor, in addition to paints, you can use colored pencils for this.
