A small curly lamb is a symbol of defenselessness, innocence and humility. This kind animal is an invariable attribute of romantic pastorals idealizing a calm, measured rural life and the relationship of meek lovers - a shepherd and a shepherdess - filled with love and affection. A snow-white lamb in beautiful curls of fluffy wool, with its humble disposition, organically fits into the rural idyll. This character is also a favorite in modern animation art, because everyone likes sheep, especially children.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - a simple pencil;
- - eraser.
Step 1
Imagine the lamb you want to draw: its pose, mood, activity. You can start drawing with the body of the sheep: it looks a lot like a fluffy cloud of curly wool. Draw something like a lush cloud. If the lamb stands with its muzzle towards the viewer (in front), then the cloud needs to be given a more round shape, and if it is located sideways, then draw the body in the form of an oblong cloud.
Step 2
Now draw the head of the sheep in the form of a small oval, narrowed towards the bottom. Its location on the cloud torso depends on the pose in which you draw the animal. The lamb looking at the viewer will have its head located approximately in the center of the cloud, closer to the top or bottom, depending on whether it raised its head or lowered it and nibbles the grass. If the lamb is standing sideways in the drawing, draw the head on the side of the body. On top of the sheep's head, draw a kind of lush soap suds, as the curly hair frames its muzzle.
Step 3
A characteristic element of the image is long ears sticking out to the sides. Draw two petals-ears attached to the head (in its upper part). The ears of the sheep are mobile, and in the drawing they can be given various movements. In a calm mood, the sheep's ears stick out to the sides and a little downward, if the lamb is sad, then its ears hang sadly along its muzzle, and a cheerful lamb can be portrayed happily jumping and with bouncing ears.
Step 4
At the top of the head, draw round eyes with small pupils. If you depict two large balls on the lamb's forehead and paint in black pupils, then you may end up with a surprised lamb. Pupils directed upwards and small eyebrows-dashes "house" will give her a dreamy look.
Step 5
The lamb's nose is drawn with a characteristic element in the form of an asterisk with three rays, or just a tick and is located in the lower - pointed - part of the head. Also, the nose can be drawn with a black flattened or elongated circle or two nostril dots.
Step 6
From the bottom to the head, draw the lower jaw in the form of a half of an elongated ellipse. Depending on the expression that you intend to give the muzzle of this cute animal, its mouth can be open or closed. A sheep chewing on juicy green grass can also be depicted with its tongue sticking out.
Step 7
It remains to draw only thin legs - narrow rectangles with forked hooves attached to them in the form of an inverted "M", and a small tail - another small lump of "soap foam". Place the sheep on a green lawn - draw a lot of fresh and juicy greenery around it.