Loredana Berte: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Loredana Berte: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Loredana Berte: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Parents and psychologists are well aware that younger children very often imitate older ones. The famous Italian singer Loredana Berte sang looking at her older sister. She sang and achieved decent results.

Loredana Berte
Loredana Berte

Starting conditions

Since ancient times, Italy has been considered the birthplace of outstanding singers and singers. Loredana Berte was born on September 20, 1950 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in the town of Bagnara Calabra. My father worked as a teacher of Latin and Greek at the Lyceum. Mother taught mathematics in high school. The child already had an older sister, who willingly got along with the younger one. When Loredana was fifteen years old, her parents divorced and parted. The girls with their mother moved to Rome.

The girl studied well at school. Imitating her older sister, she regularly studied vocals under the supervision of an experienced teacher. After receiving secondary education, she decided to become a professional singer. Her sister invited her to the studio to record the performance of the choir. Loredana is gradually entering the circle of performers and producers. Already in 1966, the girl began to study in the dance group of the famous Piper club.

Professional activity

Berthe started her singing career in a late night restaurant. A low voice with a velvet tint caught the attention of serious producers. Two years later, she was invited to perform the vocal part in the cult musical "Hair". In 1971, the older sister released her first author's album and Loridana helped her as a backing vocalist. The album came out and sold well. After that she was invited to participate in the experimental rock opera Orpheus-9.

Cooperation offers come to the singer from different respondents. In 1974 she starred in the television version of the operetta No, No Nanette. Then her candid photo appears on the cover of Playboy magazine. The following season, Loridana achieved her first major success. The song "You are beautiful", performed by the singer, held the first positions of all charts for three months. Then she performed the hit "Dedicated". It is interesting to note that many of Berthe's songs were banned by the censorship.

Essays on personal life

Loridana Berte's brilliant work has received recognition far beyond the borders of Italy. In 1982 she won the international competition "Festival Bar" with the song "I am not that señora". A year later, she was invited to speak in the Soviet Union. A kind film called "Autograph" was shot on television. After a while, the actress recorded her new albums in New York and London. For twelve years, the singer has regularly performed at the San Remo Festival.

The singer's personal life did not develop immediately. Acquaintance with a famous tennis player from Sweden happened almost by accident. The fluke grew into a stable relationship and marriage. The husband and wife began to live together. However, after a while, conflicts began to arise between the spouses. The situation stabilized after Loridana returned to concert activities. Her husband supports and encourages her in every possible way.
