With some effort and diligence and ingenuity, you can always repair any damaged item if you have fabric for repair. But what if the gap is large, but there is nowhere to take a whole flap for insertion? It turns out that here, too, you can find a way out by skillfully joining tiny pieces of fabric. By the way, the method that will be discussed can also be used when cutting new products, when you have to make cuffs, collars, pockets or other small parts from small pieces.

How to make an insert from two flaps correctly? The sections that need to be connected are untwisted by 2-3 cm and swept to each other in such a way that all the uniform parts of the pattern match both along the weft and along the base. After processing the front side of the joint, they go to the wrong side. The thread on the seamy side is pulled carefully so as not to pierce the face of the fabric. To make the joint tight, the ends of the threaded threads are pulled up, while grabbing two or three threads each with two hands from opposite sides.
Then, after slightly moistening the remaining ends on the wrong side, you need to try to tousle them so that they become very fluffy. This achieves an even fastening of two connecting flaps to each other. Further, straightening the ends, cut off the excess. In this case, every two or three ends are grasped with the fingers of the left hand and pulled at the very base. Tightened cut threads, trying to restore their usual position, spring and go deep into the fabric, so that the seam of the flaps is almost invisible. And the last operation with such a connection is ironing through a slightly damp cloth.
When ironing, you should be careful, as it is very easy to ruin all the work done at this final stage. Fabrics with a convex embossed pattern are slightly moistened and ironed with a mildly heated iron. Some fabrics, with an uneven, chaotic movement of the iron and with strong moisture, pleat. This is a feature of fabrics containing lavsan and nitron. When working with them, you need to try to move the iron in one direction.
With strong iron pressure on all dense fabrics (gabardine, etc.), as a result of flattening in the places where the insert is woven, shiny areas are formed - weasels. It is not necessary to remove them from the seamy side, but weasels must be removed from the front surface of the product. This is achieved by steaming through a damp cotton cloth, not by pressure, but by lightly touching the iron. The quality of the work performed is checked by finger pressure. The repaired area should be deformed no more than the undamaged fabric of the product.