Which Basis For Drawing Is Better To Choose - Cardboard Or Canvas

Which Basis For Drawing Is Better To Choose - Cardboard Or Canvas
Which Basis For Drawing Is Better To Choose - Cardboard Or Canvas

When coloring by numbers, great attention should be paid to the choice of the base. It comes in 2 types: cardboard and canvas. Each species has its own characteristics, which we will now consider.

Which basis for drawing is better to choose - cardboard or canvas
Which basis for drawing is better to choose - cardboard or canvas


1. Beginners prefer a cardboard base, because it is much easier to draw on it than on canvas.

2. Due to its smooth surface, the paints on the cardboard are not absorbed and lie flat.

3. Borders and numbers are clearly visible, so it doesn't take much effort and attention to see them.

4. The colors are very bright, but in order to achieve volume - you will need to apply additional layers.

5. In kits with a cardboard base, some of the paint remains, which makes it possible to paint small details and paint numbers if they are visible through the first layer of paint..

6. It is easier to find a frame on a cardboard base than on a canvas.


1. Canvas is preferred by experienced draftsmen as it is more difficult to work with.

2. Due to the textured surface of the canvas, the paint is strongly absorbed and lays down a little unevenly, so it takes more effort to paint over the areas. Often white dots remain after painting, which must be painted again.

3. Borders and numbers on the canvas are printed very faintly so that they are not visible under a layer of paint. However, when drawing, this poses big problems. The checklist helps you to navigate well, with which you will have to constantly check in order not to make blunders.

4. The paint after being applied to the canvas is absorbed and creates the effect of volume, so the painting looks much more natural and realistic than on cardboard.

5. Often there is a situation when there is not enough paint, so you have to finish painting areas with a different color.

6. The canvas is usually fixed on a stretcher, which greatly increases the thickness of the finished piece. To choose a frame, you will have to go to the workshop and make it to order. However, there is a trick here: if you do not want to spend money on the frame, then you need to paint over the sides of the stretcher. Then you will have a finished work.

Cardboard and canvas are the basis for wonderful drawings, and which one to work with is up to you.
