How To Do Ordinary Things Quickly

How To Do Ordinary Things Quickly
How To Do Ordinary Things Quickly

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In a modern world full of bustle and events, the ability to quickly cope with ordinary affairs makes life much easier. After all, it is on them that we spend most of our personal time. And if the rest is work, then there is no time left for rest.

How to do ordinary things quickly
How to do ordinary things quickly


Step 1

To get through your daily activities as quickly as possible, plan ahead. In the evening, make a list of all the work you need to do and determine the approximate time it will take to complete it at the speed limit. And try to keep up with the scheduled time.

Step 2

Do boring and unpleasant tasks at the very beginning of your career. After all, then, when you get tired, it will be much more difficult to make them. And there will be a treacherous desire to postpone this work for the next day.

Step 3

Take breaks between work. 10-15 minutes is quite enough to restore the spent strength and energy. But even this time is better spent for the benefit of yourself: reading a book, doing handicrafts or doing squats. This will keep yourself in good shape and cheer up.

Step 4

Focus fully on your work. When doing boring, day to day activities, there is always the temptation to turn your attention to something else. Do not do that. Also, do not work with the TV on or talking on the phone. Better to dream at work or make vacation plans. Remember, the sooner you complete the task, the sooner the long-awaited rest and the opportunity to have a pleasant pastime will come.

Step 5

Don't do all things at the same time. So the work will be done poorly and much more time will be spent.

Step 6

Do not treat ordinary activities as hard labor. After all, they help make your life more enjoyable. After cleaning, for example, it is very pleasant to be in a clean and bright room. And cooking dinner is always offset by the delight of deliciously prepared food.

Step 7

Once you've finished all your planned tasks, take some time for yourself. Take a walk, watch a good movie, or chat with family and friends. You deserve it. And before going to bed, remember to schedule work the next day so you can get it done even faster.
