Not all jewelry kept at home is favorite and trendy. Some of them are outdated and gathering dust idle. There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary bracelets, rings and earrings, selling them with good benefit for yourself.

Every woman has a treasured box where a variety of jewelry is kept. Some of them were inherited from mom or grandmother, some were donated by fans or a spouse, and some were bought on their own. However, you do not wear all of them: some have ceased to please, while others are simply bored. In addition, there are situations in life when money is urgently needed, and you have to get rid of gold rings and earrings in a hurry. How to sell jewelry, while not cheapening and not becoming a victim of scammers?
Option 1: buying or pawnshop
First of all, it is worth noting that when selling ordinary jewelry, as well as products that are damaged or defective, their redemption value will be equal to the approximate cost of scrap. However, there are situations when the speed of sales of products is of higher priority than the amount received for them. In this case, a suitable option would be to contact a company that buys valuable metals and products from them. This option has a number of advantages, including:
• cleanliness and transparency of the transaction;
• fast receipt of money;
• the ability to sell a broken or damaged jewelry.
Option 2: sell to buy
If you decide to exchange jewelry that has become unnecessary for a more fashionable and creative piece, you can contact a jewelry store. Most large retail chains today will gladly accept old chains, rings and earrings, offsetting their value when buying a new product. Naturally, the cost of the products handed over is calculated based on their weight multiplied by the price of 1 gram at the price of scrap.
Option 3: commission sale
If you are the owner of an exclusive or original item, it makes sense to try to sell it through a jewelry or antiques store. In this case, you can set the price yourself. In this case, it is recommended to be guided by the opinion of an appraiser, who will accurately weigh the jewelry, determine the quality and purity of the stones contained in it. The timing of the implementation of the jewelry transferred to the commission depends on both its artistic value and the ability of the salon managers to correctly present its dignity and convince potential customers to make a purchase.
Having decided to sell jewelry, do not forget to first find out the average prices for a similar product in stores, and also ask how much its buyers are now offering for 1 gram of gold, silver or platinum scrap. In addition, you can order a gemological examination from independent appraisers, evaluate the product in a repair shop or from a jeweler who provides similar services.