Sapphire is one of the most beautiful stones in the world. It is not for nothing that it has been considered a symbol of purity, constancy and virginity since ancient times. However, this clean, beautiful stone is not for everyone.

Sapphire is a stone with exceptional properties
According to ancient legends, a ring or pendant with a real pure sapphire helped the wearer to distinguish truth from falsehood. Amulets, amulets and sapphire jewelry contribute to the knowledge of the surrounding world. A person who wears an ultraviolet sapphire is protected from unhappy love, deception and quarrels in the family.
A talisman made from this stone is suitable for calming, developing patience and a philosophical outlook on life. At the same time, the most useful property of this stone is the ability to rid its owner of laziness. Don't buy cheap stones of dull gray colors with cracks and chips, it will bring misfortune.
Sapphire suits almost all zodiac signs
Traditionally, sapphires are considered the stones of Aquarius and Sagittarius. For Aquarius sapphires help develop the spiritual side of life. In difficult times, the stone will help Aquarius stay afloat, not fall into despair. Sagittarius need sapphire to increase self-confidence, these stones help Sagittarius to achieve their goals, not to lose interest halfway.
But sapphire does not give anything to Capricorns and Taurus, moreover, it can take away vital energy.
Virgos need sapphire to establish contacts with people, besides, it promotes knowledge of the world and reflections.
Sapphire softens the character of Aries, makes them forward-thinking and wise, and adds insight, which can help to subdue hot temper and control emotions. That is why it is recommended to give Aries sapphire jewelry at a young age, the magical properties of this stone can help the representatives of this zodiac sign survive the adolescence without loss. This is especially true for those Aries, in whose horoscopes there is an opposition of Mars to the Sun.
Sapphire is recommended for Scorpions for similar reasons. This stone can calm temperamental Scorpios, create an impression of harmony and peace. Sapphire helps to get rid of the experiences associated with unrevealed and unrealized ideas. In addition, he can contribute to the establishment of a personal life.
The stone helps Gemini to reveal their bright and positive sides, helps to find faithful friends, build a career and establish important connections.
For Libra and Leo, sapphire is an absolutely neutral stone. So the meaning of its acquisition is lost. It is better for these signs to choose more suitable minerals.
Sapphire can be worn by Pisces, it relieves them of laziness and reflection, helps to get together, to concentrate on life's tasks.
The stone gives Cancer health and confidence, makes them generous and noble.