The Uzambara violet, or Saintpaulia, was found in Africa by Baron Saint-Paul Iller and his wife while walking. It was in his honor that this cute flower was named Saintpaulia, and its second name - the Uzambara violet - it received from the name of the mountains in which it was first discovered. Now there are a huge variety of varieties of violets, in addition, breeders annually breed new ones with luxurious and large flowers of a wide variety of shapes and shades.

Varietal characteristics of violets
There are several classifications of varietal violets: rosette size, size, shape and color of flowers and leaves. Microminiature Saintpaulias are distinguished, in which a compact rosette is up to 6 cm in diameter, miniature with a rosette of 6-15 cm, semi-miniature, the diameter of the bush is from 15 to 20 cm, the rosette diameter of standard violets reaches 40 cm, and giant ones from 40 to 60 cm. small flowers are distinguished in size, which are up to 2 cm, medium up to 4 cm, large (5-6 cm), huge up to 8 cm and even more.
A separate group of violets are trailers. In the axils of the leaves of these Saintpaulias, many lateral rosettes are formed, due to this, lush bushes are formed.
Taking care of homemade violets is quite simple. The main condition is to provide the houseplant with a warm, bright place. Caring for them consists in regular watering along the edge of the pot and feeding. Propagation by rosettes or leaf cuttings. However, it should be taken into account that varietal traits are not always transmitted during propagation by leaves, especially for rare and expensive varieties.
Classification by flower shape
There are several forms. A "star" is a flower with five petals of the same size. This is the shape of the flowers of the charming violet variety "Decelles Flamingo". The stars are deep red with a thin white border.
"Anyutka" or "Pansies" - 3 lower petals are slightly more than two upper ones. Saintpaulias of the Deadly Sting variety have such a flower shape with densely double flowers of a blue-purple hue with corrugated green edges. Fisher's Leone flowers are black-plum with mauve strokes.
"Wasp" - 2 narrow upper petals are directed forward or bent back, and 3 lower ones also have an elongated shape. The Lunar Lily variety is very beautiful; semi-double boiling white flowers fascinate with their beauty and tenderness.
"Bell". The name of the shape of these flowers speaks for itself. They are not fully open and a little drooping, like lilies of the valley or bells. One of the many varieties in this group is Senk's Big Bells with large bright blue flowers and elongated dark green leaves. An unusual and exotic variety.
Saintpaulia flowers are:
- simple, - semi-double, - terry, - thick double.
By color, monochromatic, two-tone and multi-colored saintpaulias are distinguished. In addition, some flowers have a border around the edge of the petals, monochromatic or contrasting strokes, finger or fancy color. The latter are brightly colored, combining shades of white, pink and green.
Saintpaulia leaves can be either solid or variegated.
A separate group is Saintpaulia-chimeras. These are the most exotic and most expensive violets. From other types of chimera, stripes on the petals are distinguished from the core of the flower. These violets transmit varietal characteristics only when dividing by rosettes, if propagated by leaf cuttings, varietal characteristics will disappear. Emerald City - Chimera - a beautiful violet with many simple flowers of a pale lavender shade with a wide light green stripe on each of the petals.
It is impossible to describe all varieties within one article. Currently, there are several tens of thousands of varieties and every year breeders present new beautiful plants that fascinate with their beauty. Detailed catalogs can be found on the website Here are the varieties of both domestic and foreign selection.