Cartoons For Children

Cartoons For Children
Cartoons For Children

Children are very fond of watching cartoons, but recently their plots make them think about what can and cannot be shown to kids.

Cartoons for children
Cartoons for children

Recently, parents have begun to give their preference to domestic cartoons, rather than foreign ones. The thing is that the plots of Russian animated films are kinder and more instructive.

"Masha and the Bear" is at its peak of popularity now. This is a modern film adaptation of the good old tale about a little girl and a bear. However, in this animated series, Masha is friends with a huge beast, and he is her protector. The interest in this picture is due to the fact that its main character is a stereotype of a modern child. She is very emotional. The cartoonists did their best, since all the emotions are depicted on the girl's face: fun, resentment, and fear.

Another popular modern cartoon is Luntik. Many parents boldly show it to their children, as the plot of this animated series is kind and instructive. In each episode the child can find something new and interesting for himself, for example, in the first episodes the child learns what a “name” is, who are “friends”, how to say hello when meeting.

In addition to modern cartoons, you can safely show your child Soviet pictures, for example, "Santa Claus and Summer", "12 months", "Winnie the Pooh", "A Kitten named Woof", "Mom for a Mammoth" and many others.
