How To Learn To Make Cartoons

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How To Learn To Make Cartoons
How To Learn To Make Cartoons

Video: How To Learn To Make Cartoons

Video: How To Learn To Make Cartoons
Video: How to Make 2D Animation Quickly & Easily! 2024, December

You have a lot of funny ideas in your head, your soul needs a holiday, and your creativity needs an outlet in non-standard works? Create cartoons - everyone can do it. And learning how to make cartoons is not at all difficult.

How to learn to make cartoons
How to learn to make cartoons


Step 1

The most essential skill is the ability to draw. If your artistic skills aren't up to par, fix it soon. The best thing is to sign up for a course. By the way, not only art courses, but also graphic design courses are suitable. Perhaps there is even a place in your city where animation is taught. You can learn the basics of brushing yourself, but this requires patience and ability. If you are not corrected in time in some basic points (wrong lines, stroke, manner of holding a pencil), it will be difficult to relearn in the future.

Step 2

Learn to write scripts. It is very difficult to implement ideas in your head without a clear plan. Read the lessons for screenwriters (you can find many useful articles here: - this way you will learn how to clearly and correctly write scenes and shots. Start creating characters. Not just faceless creatures, but individuals, characters. Try to each come up with their own flavor, original trait, sign. Pay attention to the characters in famous cartoons.

Step 3

Explore programs for creating animation. The most popular programs in which cartoons are created: MacroFlash Player, 3Dmax, Macromedia Flash. Keep in mind that over time you will also need programs for working with sound if you want to make a cartoon with "talking" characters. You can invite your friends to voice them, so you don't need ventriloquism skills.

Step 4

Learn constantly. Perhaps, in the realm of making cartoons, you can never say for sure that you have learned everything. Study different works, look at the creations of the same beginners, implement original ideas and ideas. Chat with other cartoonists, for example, on this forum Do not be afraid to put your work out to the public and listen to criticism. Who knows, maybe it is you who will compete with Tim Burton in many years?
