The name Yegor comes from the consonant "George", but has long been independent. In Russian folk tales, Yegor is a kind, cheerful and resourceful guy who never despairs. Translated from the Greek "Egor" - "plowman", "cultivating the land."

The owner of the name Yegor is lucky, luck often smiles at him, he is able to reach career heights and create a strong and friendly family. But, despite his luck, Yegor is an independent person, he relies only on himself and is used to doing everything himself. He is often driven by excitement, even if the chances of success are not great, the owner of this name will not stop, he will not be afraid even of failures, he easily admits his mistakes and moves on.
Egor in childhood is a cocky, restless, but kind boy. He often participates in fights, can be the initiator of them. He is just, therefore he does not tolerate deception and humiliation. He is sure that the easiest and best way to sort things out is with the help of force and fists.
At school, a boy named Yegor does well, but problems may arise with classmates and teachers. He does not tolerate criticism and displays of superiority. Little Yegorka is stubborn and distrustful of many, this often interferes with establishing friendly relations with peers. A person who has deceived this boy at least once will never deserve trust.
The owner of the name Yegor in his youth is unhappy with many things, he is irritable and quick-tempered. But, as a rule, he himself understands this and tries to correct his behavior. Persistence and perseverance can only be envied - a young man with this name will never yield and will achieve success by any means.
Teenager Yegor needs love, constant support and attention from his parents. If not controlled, it can go down the wrong path. During this period, the qualities of a leader are formed, the young man becomes an adventurer, ready for risky actions. Dangers and troubles bypass him, so he will get out of any dangerous situations without consequences.
An adult man named Yegor is calculating and purposeful, he makes plans and slowly but surely moves towards his goal. The only thing that can stop him is hot temper.
Egor respects responsible, honest, open and principled people. His passion is beautiful women and elite alcohol. All owners of this name are kind, sincere and have a good sense of humor.
Egors are decent, hardworking, methodical and assertive. They can build brilliant careers in different areas.
In a woman, the owners of this name value external and internal beauty. He can have an affair with a fatal and bright representative of the fair sex, but for a family he will choose a good-natured, modest, homely and decent woman who will always obey her husband.
Yegor does not specifically seek to please girls, he never pretends and does not try to look better. For his permanent chosen one, he will be a "stone wall", he will never offend, leave or betray.
But Yegor is in no hurry to get married, he will look closely at the woman for a long time, look for her pros and cons, and only then will he make an offer. Although he may lose his head from love at a young age.
Thanks to his business qualities, a man named Yegor is quickly climbing the career ladder. His colleagues and superiors respect him for his initiative, dedication and entrepreneurial spirit. He can find a way out even from a difficult situation, so his vocation is a firefighter, doctor, lawyer, military man, lawyer, or a law enforcement officer.
Yegor can become a talented teacher and psychologist, but he will never work in an office. He will not accept a position without career prospects. There are many creative personalities among the owners of this name: actors, artists and writers.