The need to draw clothes for girls may appear in you in two cases. In the first, it will be an image of clothes in the picture, in the second - a sketch of models for a fashion collection. Depending on what goal you are pursuing, pay special attention to working with color and saturation, or drawing shapes and small details.

Step 1
If you want to draw the clothes of the characters in the picture, you need to take into account the rules for drawing draperies. First of all, pay attention to the shape of the body, which is hidden by the clothes. When drawing a beautiful dress or suit, do not be distracted by the image of the pattern on the fabric or the particular cut. If the material lies unnaturally, contrary to the shape and volume of the body, the drawing will be damaged. Therefore, in the sketch, first work out the shape of the folds on the clothes. The second stage should be working on light and shade on the fabric. Determine where the light source is. Show the most lighted areas with color spots and emphasize the volume of the folds with shadows.
Step 2
At the same time, it is necessary to reflect the texture of the material. This can be done using color, brushstroke features, or strokes. For example, through a transparent organza, the second layer of clothing or the color of a person's skin will be visible. Draw fluffy fabric or fur using watercolor stains and pencil strokes over the paint. You can depict the texture of velvet if you draw gloss on its folds and deep matte shadows in the folds.
Step 3
If you are drawing a girl surrounded by other people or objects, consider their influence on the color of the clothes. Brightly colored items will surely give colored reflexes to everything that is nearby.
Step 4
When working out a sketch of clothes, other features of the drawing come to the fore. Distortions in the shape of the fabric are minimal here - as a rule, the model is drawn conditionally, in a standard pose. That is why the fabrics fall naturally, without folds and creases, if this is not a feature of the cut.
Step 5
The main purpose of such a drawing is to create an image of a thing. You have to show what impression the person will make in the costume you have invented. In addition, it is important to indicate the features of a particular wardrobe item - an unusual cut, pattern on fabric, material texture, decor. If there is such a need, you can pay attention to this in a detailed drawing of a small area next to the general sketch. Since you are drawing a whole image, in addition to the clothes, outline the shape and color of the model's shoes, accessories, hairstyle, body type and face.