Ed Shulzhevsky - according to his passport Eduard Ivanovich Shulzhevsky - was born on May 20, 1982 in Krasnodar. Habitat - an artistic family - shaped the worldview of a boy who becomes a famous singer.

Early years and creativity. Biography milestones
Since childhood, Eduard was distinguished by excellent hearing, had excellent vocal abilities, which his father, People's Artist of the Kuban Ivan Shulzhenko, noticed at a very early age. Being a far-sighted person, Shulzhevsky Sr. immediately gives his son to sing and develop. This can be safely said predetermined the fate and future success of Ed.
The boy was sent to a music school very early, and from the age of six he has already achieved significant success in mastering the art of music: he participates in festivals, vocal competitions, where he invariably takes prizes and becomes a laureate.
However, the parents develop the boy in another direction - they give little Eduard to practice ballroom dancing. By the way, this also did not pass without a trace - in the future he became famous for staging original dances in his own videos.
After the 9th grade, the guy goes to study at the choreographic school, after graduating from which he enters the acting department of GITIS.
This period of his life is a landmark in Shulzhevsky's career, when he receives an education and becomes famous. The guy perfectly performs the part from the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". His self-presentation liked the selection committee so much that Shulzhevsky was immediately enrolled in the second year of a prestigious educational institution. This was the first, but far from the last, success of Shulzhevsky.
In the future, by the way, this particular musical will become Ed's calling card - for many years he has been performing the part of Captain Phoebus in it. By the way, this is not the only popular musical in his career - later he performed the role of Rome in the work “Romeo and Juliet”.
Musical period
Ed Shulzhevsky fondly recalls years of work in musicals in many interviews, but for a novice performer this seemed not enough, and he tries himself as a solo performer.
He chooses a rather popular direction - in the style of Europop. It is noteworthy that Eduard writes many compositions on his own, therefore he can be safely called a full-fledged composer. Thus, the compositions "Snow" and "Strange Life" are the singer's business cards to this day. These two songs have reached high spots on radio stations for several weeks. The author did not stint on the choreographers-directors: he turned to Miguel, who came up with many solutions to increase the show's effect.
In 2008, Shulzhevsky manages to gather a whole huge hall at a solo concert. It ended in a real triumph - the audience literally rejoiced to the songs of Ed's pretty girl.
Currently, Shulzhevsky's career is developing, he is releasing new songs and clips, and also plans to act in films.
Personal life
Ed does not seek to spread about his private life. However, not only Giuietta and Esmeralda announced their close relationship with the Romeo of the national stage. But no one can confirm the reliability of the information. So, most likely, Shulzhevsky will have a full-fledged family in the future.