How To Get Rid Of Evil Spirits

How To Get Rid Of Evil Spirits
How To Get Rid Of Evil Spirits

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Since ancient times, our ancestors feared evil spirits and came up with many ways to drive it out. Unfortunately, over the years, many of these miraculous methods have been forgotten. Nevertheless, the preserved "grandmother's" methods are the best protection against evil spirits.

How to get rid of evil spirits
How to get rid of evil spirits

It is necessary

  • - candle
  • - salt
  • - weeping grass
  • - poppy
  • - thyme
  • - buckthorn
  • - Birch
  • - mint
  • - plantain
  • - cornflower flowers
  • - knives
  • - nails.


Step 1

First, make sure that evil spirits are really present in your home. To do this, pour salt into a frying pan and put it on fire. If, after heating, the salt turns yellow, you have a clean apartment and no otherworldly entities are present in it. But if the salt turns black or turns brown, there is an unclean one in the house.

Step 2

A burning candle method is also used. It is best if it will be a candle taken from the church, but it can be done with an ordinary one. Light a candle and walk around the house with it. If the flame clogs and crackles, there is an unclean force in the room.

Step 3

To get rid of an uninvited guest, go to the bathhouse. Our ancestors loved to steam for a reason. Due to the difference in temperature between the human body and the unclean spirit, the latter is simply "evaporated" from the body.

Step 4

Unclean spirits do not like weeping grass and poppy. Plakun grass (loosestrife) must be collected on the night of Ivan Kupala before dawn begins. Sprinkle the collected grass in front of the threshold.

Step 5

Poppy for exorcism is best used wild. Light it up in churches on Spas or Makovei and sprinkle it on your house.

Step 6

Make yourself a pillow with thyme, buckthorn, birch, mint, plantain, and cornflower leaves. This will keep the unclean from getting close to you at night and will also calm your nerves and promote restful sleep.

Step 7

If you live in an apartment, place a knife in each vent. If the evil spirits get into the habit of going to your apartment through the ventilation shaft every night, one evening they will have a surprise.

Step 8

If you find hoof tracks near your house (which is especially strange to see a city dweller under your window in the front garden), it means that devils were dancing there at night. Do not be lazy and drive nails into these tracks so that the evil spirits do not pay you a second visit.

Step 9

Invite a priest to the house, who will conduct the ceremony and consecrate your apartment. After that, no demon will be able to stay there any longer.
