How To Make A Wish Come True With A Simple Ritual

How To Make A Wish Come True With A Simple Ritual
How To Make A Wish Come True With A Simple Ritual

The principle of this method is that a person programs his subconscious mind as if everything he had conceived would certainly come true sooner or later. It turns out that a program aimed at success is embedded in thinking. There is a certain set of exercises that will help train the subconscious mind to fulfill the most cherished desires.

How to make a wish come true with a simple ritual
How to make a wish come true with a simple ritual

Start training your subconscious mind by doing the simplest everyday tasks. For example, at the moment when you are about to make a purchase in a store, think: "I want to buy these shoes." Feel that you really want your wish to come true, and what joy you will experience. Imagine buying this particular pair of shoes was an old dream of yours. Now, a few minutes later, when you pay for your purchase at the checkout, a certain code is put into your subconscious mind that will help you further fulfill more significant, most unthinkable, cherished desires.

During one day, you must fulfill at least ten simple desires. Repeat these activities every day and over time you yourself will feel that it is time to move on to something greater. Now set yourself a more difficult task: the fulfillment of your desire depends not only on you, but also on a favorable combination of circumstances and other people. You will have to spend much more effort than fulfilling simple everyday desires.

After several months of such daily training, you can begin to realize your most cherished dream. Your subconscious mind is already tuned in to imminent success and will help you overcome all obstacles on the way to the implementation of your plans. Thinking, which is already accustomed to the fact that all your desires are necessarily fulfilled, will already initially be set up to win.