Crafts From Plasticine For Easter

Crafts From Plasticine For Easter
Crafts From Plasticine For Easter

It is customary to give small symbolic souvenirs for Easter. Children can make them on their own, for example, from plasticine. From this material, you can make Easter eggs, Easter cakes and other voluminous crafts.

Easter Crafts
Easter Crafts

How to make Easter eggs from plasticine

If you have never made Easter crafts from plasticine, you should start your creativity with the simplest thing - making eggs. First, take a piece of plasticine of the color you like and roll a ball out of it. Then flatten it down a little on one side to give it the shape of an egg.

After that, from a small piece of plasticine of a different color, mold a thin strip and twist it around the pencil. You should have a spiral. Next, roll up very small balls from small pieces of plasticine and use a toothpick to fix them on the egg. Press down gently on these balls with your fingers to prevent them from coming off. You can also decorate the Easter egg with a bow made of blue or pink plasticine. However, everyone determines the color scheme for themselves.

Bulky Easter eggs in a basket

Those who have coped with the first task can now make bulky eggs in a plastic basket. Actually, the eggs themselves are made by the same method. But for making a basket, take brown or yellow plasticine and roll a large enough ball. Press it in gently to make a small indentation. After that, try to align the clay and give it the desired shape.

From two or three pieces of plasticine of different colors, make thin sausages and weave them together. As a result, you will have a handle that should be attached to the basket itself. You can additionally decorate the basket with plasticine beads or draw some interesting pattern.

Plasticine panel "Easter cake"

If you have already gained sufficient experience in making plasticine crafts, try creating an original panel in the form of an Easter cake. To get started, take a sheet of blue cardboard and spread brownish-yellow plasticine in the shape of a rectangle on it. It will need to be rounded at the bottom and top.

Then decorate the top of the composition with white plasticine. In this case, the white color should seem to "flow" over the main one. In principle, the top of the product can be decorated with ordinary Easter cake powder. Only it will need to be pressed against the plasticine so that it does not crumble.

From thin plasticine sausages, form a frame according to the size of the cardboard. Lay out the letters "ХВ" in the lower right corner. Also, the resulting picture can be decorated with a variety of plasticine flowers. Daisies or abstract flowers will look best.
