SpongeBob is a favorite character of many children. This glorious hero lives at the bottom of the ocean and pleases the children with his positive and wonderful life attitude. Therefore, it is not surprising that many kids want to draw SpongeBob, but not everyone succeeds. You can help your child and go through this simple step-by-step lesson with him.

Step 1
We draw the initial outlines. It is enough to draw 3 curved lines that will determine the initial position of the body of our hero. Let's draw it slightly bouncing. To do this, the lines must be drawn diagonally. If you want to draw him standing upright, two vertical lines are enough for you.

Step 2
We set the square shape. Add waviness to the original lines. Since our character is a sponge, his contours simply cannot be even. But the lower part should be strict, since this is where his square pants are located. Do not forget to depict the approximate position of the legs and arms of our character.

Step 3
Add details. Draw the extremities of the sponge. Note that the hands are not on the suit, but on the head. When drawing shoes, do not go too deep into details. In the final part, they will still have to be painted over with black.

Step 4
Draw two large eyes, a nose and a mouth. Notice that our hero has voluminous dimples near the corners of his mouth. Also at this stage you need to detail the costume and limbs. Draw the toes, legs, and sleeves.

Step 5
Paint over the porous dimples on SpongeBob's body with a dark color. Add additional details to the garment, such as a tie and socks. Draw a tongue and two large teeth. After that, you can start painting.