How The Moon Affects Men

How The Moon Affects Men
How The Moon Affects Men

The word "cycle" in relation to human life is usually associated with women. This is, for example, the menstrual cycle or longer periods, from puberty to childbearing age and menopause. But men also have cycles, only they are less noticeable.

On the full moon, men's passions boil
On the full moon, men's passions boil

The moon is associated with a 28-day menstrual cycle in the fairer sex. But it also affects men. All people experience new and full moons at the same time as the night star. It has already become a habit to blame any factors for the decline or excess of energy in people. But the lunar phases are rarely remembered. Women use the lunar cycle to determine their body's cycles, such as ovulation. Men can also navigate by the Moon, which will help them better understand themselves.

New Moon is a time when people are more focused on themselves and do not show strong emotions. This is the time of the "dark moon". It is ideal for thinking through new ideas, creating new structures. The new moon period is great for mental work, and less attention is paid to the body. In a young month, men are less energetic, especially 3-5 days before the new moon.

A full moon is another matter entirely. As Selena grows, expanding to her full size, the human desire to open up to the world also increases. And with it comes the need for warmth and physical intimacy. Passions boil.

The lunar influence on men is manifested in numerous moments. Even during one day, when the Moon passes from one sign to another or forms aspects with one or more planets, they are affected by it. Being in fire signs, the queen of the night shows a stronger sex from their animal side. In water signs, she tunes men to build relationships, the need to give their energy to a loved one and get something in return. Earth signs give the Moon bodily and sensory qualities, with more emphasis on sensory sensations involving the senses. During this time, dates can be accompanied by joint meals. The "Air" Moon is full of intelligence. Then sensual pleasures go to the background for the stronger sex.

The moon is like a lover for men. It is the guiding cosmic beacon that controls their passions and desires.

Both men and women can resort to the help of a night luminary to improve relationships, use the rise of energy and strength on a full moon and not worry about a weakened passion in a young month.