The influence of the moon on earthly life has long been recognized by official science. Lunar attraction not only regulates the ebb and flow of the oceans, but also affects plant growth and human well-being. The lunar phases are taken into account in many religious and occult rites. Therefore, information about the phases of the moon is important not only for astronomers, but also for many gardeners, psychiatrists, occultists and people who are used to building their lives according to natural rhythms.

Step 1
Lunar days do not coincide in time with solar days, therefore the lunar month is shorter than the usual calendar and is approximately 28-29 days. Traditionally, during the lunar cycle, it is customary to distinguish four main phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter. The moon in the period from new moon to full moon is called growing, and from full moon to new moon - waning or aging.
Step 2
These phases can be discerned with the naked eye just by looking at the night sky. During the new moon, the moon is not visible at all in the sky, the first and last quarter look like a thin crescent bent to the left or right, the full moon appears as a full, round moon, clearly visible from early evening until dawn.
Step 3
In order to distinguish a growing moon (first quarter) from a waning one, look in which direction its sickle is curved. If the convex side is directed to the right, the moon is young, growing, if on the contrary to the left, it is aging. You can remember this distinction with a simple mnemonic trick. Look at the moon and mentally imagine it as a letter of the Russian alphabet. If the crescent moon resembles the letter "C", the moon is aging, waning. If you can see the letter "P", mentally drawing a stick to the horns of the month, then the moon is growing - the first quarter.
Step 4
If a more accurate knowledge of the phase of the moon is required: a specific lunar day, the duration of the phase itself, etc., visual observation alone is no longer enough. In this case, you will need special editions that publish the relevant information. The most general information about the phase of the moon can be found in conventional tear-off calendars. The name of the lunar phase is published there, as well as the time of rising and setting of the moon. Information about lunar days and their duration can be found in special reference books of gardeners and gardeners, as well as in a variety of astrological calendars published annually.
Step 5
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet and have your own website or blog, a variety of informers can be more convenient to use. To use them, just paste the informer code into your blog or website, and you will always have up-to-date information about the lunar phases. As a rule, informer information is updated automatically every hour, so no further action is required from you. You can always use this script just by looking at the corresponding page.